Conversation Between RED BARON and raisedpassion

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry to bother you again. I've been doing my homework. The C4 community seems to have gotten worse after I left in early 2003. I've been watching the novaworld servers and so far, ZERO people have been logged on. I remember when there used to be 50 or 100 people flying at any given time. The more I learn, the more questions I have.

    In your mind, what happened to bring the community to it's knees? Is there hope to fly again? Is SAI still an active squad, flying, practicing, holding matches - or just 10 guys with dust covers on their choppers, waiting to go down?

    If there's hope, I could put the work into it to train a new squad -new people to C4- that could fly with SAI.

    Your input on the last 8 years of Comanche 4 would be a great help.

  2. I don't know if you remember me or not, if you don't thats ok. You mentioned SAI is going down in jan, 2011. What does SAI need?
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