Conversation Between nakulak and Falcito

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello nakulak!

    Some Comanche 4 Player tell my that you create in former times a programm for a Comanche Player Serverlist.
    I search long time a way to do the same but i found not a way for this.
    Perhaps you can my help for find a way for create a Comanche Serverlist?

    Over me
    I am the Commander Chief of the German Game Squadron °United Fight Spirits°
    I am today 38 years lol and i play Comanche 4 about 4 years, i create a Comanche 4 Forum and a info homepage (Link following under this text).
    Und i have a Comanche 4 Server online with Name: ~UFS~Server~

    Forum °UFS° Squadron

    Home Page °UFS° Squadron

    Many nice greet
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