Conversation Between ZAK and iceman11a

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello I can nothing Register me on you New Page.
  2. Hi! =ZAC=, It's been a long time. any way I met you from before it closed down. and Now I run a new forums at and I wanted to ask. I have your C4 Mod that I downloaded a long time ago. and I didn't know this. Your using wac files in your missions and I was told that wac files don't work in C4 Missions. How ever I have been able to get them to work. My question is. Are there any more wac commands for C4 that will work. Or is it just the flash and flashfar are the only ones that will work.

    Has there every been an update to the C4 Med. See I haven't been able to get the Enviroment file to work all so. Any way I just started making maps for C4 again and I wanted to do some extra things I never made before. So this is why I'm asking.

    I would like to invite you to register at Hope to see you soon

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