Comanche4 Legacy Welcome Our Game Files Maps Utilities Mods Terrains Our Graphics Collection From the Beginning
APS Air Prowler Squadron
BKC Black Knights Collective
BSS Black Sheep Squadron
C4V Comanche 4 Veterans
CAS Comanche Attack Squadron
CFS Comanche Fighter Squadron
CIA Comanche Independent Alliance
CON Creatures Of Night
DIE Death Is Everywhere
DSS Deep Strike Squadron
EFA European Fighter Alliance
FFF French For Fun
FUN Friends United Squadron
FWD Fighting War Devils
FWP Fight With Pride
IFS Irish Fire Squadron
ISA Issue Silent Assault
KA7 Kick Butt Seven
LAW Low Altitude Warfare
LFS Lords Fighter Squadronv
LRS Lightning Raiders Squadron
NBK Natural Born Killers
NFT National French Team
NPC Night Prowlers Clan
RCS Rogue Comanche Squad
SAI Silent Assault Inc.
SAS Secret Attack Squad
SON Shadows Of Night
SPT Spanish Power Team
THC Tetra Hostile Commandos
TPL Team Poland
UFS United Fighting Spirits