View Full Version : Mission Editor Problem

10-27-2002, 03:18 PM
:puzzled: :( My Favorite part of games is the mission editor, But in comanche 4 when i open it it comes up on screen then this pops up ->>> "This Program has performed an elligal operation and must be shut dow" then it closes, Someone PLEASE help me. I absolutely MUST edit a map for Comanche 4.

10-27-2002, 03:27 PM
Just a suggestion, re-install the game. If you have any missions you want to save then put them to a temp file. If it still continues to give you illegal function then let us know.:ninja:

10-27-2002, 03:28 PM
Ok, try this:

Reboot your machine, shut down as many background programs that you don't need as possible. Do NOT open anything but the med. The med's for the DF/C4 Series are weird animals and are picky - meaning that they will find any excuse to crash.

Have you dowloaded the Modified MED for C4 from CPD's Download section? I think Pappy may have fixed that problem somewhat in his version. I hven't touched the C4 med in quite a while - although I need to get my map making going again for C4 also LOL.. just too busy with DF right now...