View Full Version : KUDOS, Watkins & Bluetiereign!

06-17-2003, 02:01 PM
All that you are doing for the CPD website is utterly fantastic, sirs.

The generous way that you are helping Anthony out during his "leave of absence" to take care of Susan, well... I know your hearts must be the size of Texas!

Hip Hip Hoorah, WATS!
Hip Hip Hoorah, BLUE!

[Edited on 6-18-2003 by LadyHawke]

06-17-2003, 07:29 PM
here here i second it :spin:

06-17-2003, 11:13 PM
Your doin the old guy proud.......give yourself a pat on the back

06-18-2003, 07:17 AM
Thank you Ladyhawke for this thread…

It’s true that Watkins has been invaluable in covering me to be able to care for Susan. I could never pay him for all the time he has put in, nor would he allow me to do so. You are correct about his heart.

As far as CPD, Wats has done his normal maintenance, and made the server move virtually un-noticeable. But the real load of running CPD has been on the shoulders of Bluetiereign. He has taken on most all of the responsibilities of this site.

So, Thank you Tim, and all the staff here for all your help. It will be some time before I will be able to play with you all again, but I anticipate the day we do.

http://SusanWenzel.com (http://SusanWenzel.com)

06-18-2003, 11:13 PM
glad to see susan on her feet bro :bouncing:

06-19-2003, 05:05 PM
I'm newer to this site , but I saw the thread and had to say that I agree with all of the posts above. I Thank everyone that runs this site , i've never had a problem getting the answers to any questions i've ever posted. I also Thank all the members of this site for all the help i've recieved , you are all just as awesome as this site...:bouncing:

06-20-2003, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Doorway
I'm newer to this site , but I saw the thread and had to say that I agree with all of the posts above. I Thank everyone that runs this site , i've never had a problem getting the answers to any questions i've ever posted. I also Thank all the members of this site for all the help i've recieved , you are all just as awesome as this site...:bouncing: right on , on behalf of the staff thx