View Full Version : Hummers and Copters?

06-15-2003, 08:26 AM
How do u make hummers or cars with emplacents move only when some1 gets on or in a c ertain time period and copters startup and fly when some1 gets on or in a certain time, and how do copters fly, the land then take off and so on, and hummers stop, the strart moving again?

06-16-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by FynexFox
How do u make hummers or cars with emplacents move only when some1 gets on or in a c ertain time period and copters startup and fly when some1 gets on or in a certain time, and how do copters fly, the land then take off and so on, and hummers stop, the strart moving again? for this answer look in the tutorial's sticky at top of map editing sectiom . there is a few tutorials that cover df2-tfd and 1 for bhd . the bhd tut is for helo movement w/out the use of a wac file , im sure this would work for the other vechile's in bhd that move also .