View Full Version : New TXP terrain pack available for DF2!!!

06-14-2003, 05:17 PM
Yes, that's correct..., made available by the TAG squad (www.tag.df2.org/).... :bouncing:

The new TXP terrain pack, consisting of 27 terrains for DF2, is now available for download HERE (www.txp.df2.org/)....

The TXP terrain pack consists of 3 terrains made by Dr.Evil~TAG, and 24 terrains converted from DF1 and DF:LW by Dr.Evil~TAG. Some of them have got grass added, and I believe some of them have also got a water level added/changed....(?)

There's also a Gallery of the terrains viewable HERE (www.txp.df2.org/gallery/TXP/index.html).... The gallery also includes pictures of the DF2 stock terrains and the TerraNova EXP2b terrains. The TerraNova EXP2b expansion pak can be downloaded from HERE (http://www.dfarena.com/dfaweb/files/Delta_Force_2/Terra_Nova_Project/)....

After you've got both our new TXP terrain pack AND the EXP2b expansion pak installed, you'll have the following terrains available in the MED:

DF2 stock:--------------EXP2b:-----------------TXP (Dr.Evil/DF1/LW):

----------------------------------------------------open (Dr.Evil)
----------------------------------------------------river1 (Dr.Evil)
----------------------------------------------------waterway (Dr.Evil)

IF you've made some maps for these new TXP terrains, we would STRONGLY suggest that you put "TXP" into the server name, so that people might understand that the TXP terrain pack is required for them to join the server....

NB! All players joining a server hosting the new TXP terrains, will need to have the new TXP terrain pack installed locally before joining.

Dr.Evil~TAG and Nick~TAG have already made a lot of S&D maps for the new TXP terrains (and for the EXP2b terrains), and once in a while they're being hosted in a DF2 S&D server named TAG S/D TXP. Even if you're not usually playing S&D, you're all welcome to join the server and have a look around. :)

(During this weekend, I will make available for download an update for the DF2C4med, so that map makers will be able to see the new terrains when using that MED as well.)

EDIT: Read about the TXP Terrain Pack for DF2C4med HERE (www.checkpointdelta.net/forum/viewthread.php?tid=1134).

Please spread the word, and Enjoy! http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Mexican%20Wave.gif

[Edited on 26-9-2003 by Q-dad~TAG]

06-21-2003, 08:10 PM
Just to let you know that TXP has now got its own web page and forums (!), HERE (www.txp.df2.org/).

Please make a visit! :)

Also, the DF2C4med patch (i.e. TXP Terrain Pack for DF2C4med) has been updated to version 1.01. Here's the information about the fixes:

1.) Installer won't fail anymore if user refuses to let the installer make a backup of the med.pff file

2.) The C4 version of the pack.exe file (copied to the install folder and used during the installation) is now renamed to c4pack.exe, since if the user selected the DF2 folder as install folder, the DF2 version of the pack.exe file, already present in the DF2 folder, would be over-written by the C4 version. (The DF2 version of the pack.exe file is needed in the DF2 folder when installing the TXP and EXP terrain packages, or when using other utilities which uses the pack.exe file.)

If you've encountered any problems because of the limitations of the version 1.00 of the patch, please visit the TXP web site (and forums) as shown above, and we'll help you out there.

[Edited on 26-9-2003 by Q-dad~TAG]