View Full Version : helicopter flight hight? dflw.
a pink punk
06-06-2003, 04:43 PM
is there any way to set what hight the helicopter flys at? can you tell me how to do it? if you cant please tell me so am stuck here waiting for a anser that will never come. lol.
PinK oUt
06-06-2003, 05:39 PM
helo's in lw pretty much just fly nap of the earth, although sometimes not so well if they don't have the time to reach altitude before flying through a mountain.
if that's the trouble your having, try moving the helo's waypoints to avoid obstacles. also, slowing it down will give it more time to gain altitude.
06-06-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Anthony
helo's in lw pretty much just fly nap of the earth, although sometimes not so well if they don't have the time to reach altitude before flying through a mountain.
if that's the trouble your having, try moving the helo's waypoints to avoid obstacles. also, slowing it down will give it more time to gain altitude. very true only comanche4 and bhd dose the z value of the wp have any effect on aircraft .
a pink punk
06-07-2003, 01:16 PM
darn:(, well guess you cant have everthing your way.
what i was trying to was have it flying above a cite am makeing, like a serch aircraft.
06-07-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by a pink punk
darn:(, well guess you cant have everthing your way.
what i was trying to was have it flying above a cite am makeing, like a serch aircraft. for dflw try this for the effect i belive the tutorial is by arcticwolf of dfarena
What I did in my map was to have the choppers fly by the initial start area (blue base) at approx 200 meters so that they would be just barely visibile under the clouds in the Sky that I used. In order to do this, I had to experiment with them starting out at an initial altitude of 350 meters and then entering the map to see where they were as they went by the start point. This I had to do quite a few times till I got it just right. How I managed it was to adjust their start point farther and farther away till by the time the reached the blue start area, they were flying just under the clouds. I made sure I had at least 10 way points in the start area so that I could set up the events properly.
What I did was to have it so that when the chopper reached each way point, one AI would be teleported and appear at approx 150 meters or so above the terrain and come down. I spaced the teleport markers so that it appeared like an actual jump.
In order to get the altitude for the Teleport makers - this was the hard part, I positioned a blue player start right over the top of the helicopter at a z value of 1.5 above that for the chopper. When I entered the test map, I would drop to the top of the chopper and fly along with it. There is one minor set back to this, if you fall off, you will NOT have a chute appear and save your butt .. you go splat, plain and simple! LOL
After getting all I needed I made a second map and re-arranged the way points so that they circled around and over my entire map's play area and then rode a chopper (helix) on the side gun mount and flew around the map - I had the speed set to 95 kph and it took a couple tries before I got the hang of it and stopped falling off - it was a pretty cool ride
a pink punk
06-08-2003, 01:04 AM
thank you for that info. but what i wanted it to do was just fly above the city like it was serching for the team that got shot down. oops i have said to much. lol.
am makeing a map were you start out in a city and there is a blown up black hawk next you and you have to get the EX spot.
06-08-2003, 04:14 AM
Originally posted by a pink punk
...making a map were you start out in a city and there is a blown up black hawk next you and you have to get the EX spot.
you should have no problem creating that effect in a SP map. if it's a co-op refer to Ladyhawkes Post here... (
trial & error ..... & many tests make a great map.
i am almost embarrassed at the nearing hundreds of hours of creating & testing a good map. but the satisifaction of playing that map with others is almost GOD like.
KEEP BUILDING PP ! :biggthumpup.gif:
[Edited on 6-8-2003 by Anthony]
a pink punk
06-08-2003, 05:22 PM
ya i know that feeling ... and i know about testing and the hours put in to a good Co-op/SP map.
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