View Full Version : How do I get the player to be in a humvee pernamently?

A Recon Soldier
06-03-2003, 05:37 PM
Hey All I got a question In delta force BHD for MED i want to know how to get a player on the humvee pernamently you know... they can't leave the humvee...
does that make sense?

[Edited on 6-3-2003 by A Recon Soldier]

[Edited on 6-3-2003 by A Recon Soldier]

06-04-2003, 09:34 PM
You can lock someone into a humvee position..it is called the seatbelt on/off command executed in the wac...

In the MED - use an event to change a mission variable :

Event 1:
Delay event 5 seconds
SSN 10000 is within area 1

Set Mission Var#1 to 1
Redirect SSN 2 to waypoint 1-0
Change SSN 2 AI : combat speed = 30 km/h
Change SSN 2 AI : patrol speed = 30 km/h

In the WAC - a variable setting for the trigger:

if eq v1 1 then
set seatbelt 1
set seatbelt 0

(1 = ON 0 = OFF)

Hope that helps.