View Full Version : =AN=Recruiting!:)

08-20-2002, 11:14 PM
Just wanted you all to know that we've got our Land Warrior side of things up and running and will start recruiting like yesterday. Of course our DF2 part is already up and going with a few members, but we're looking for more good ones. If you are in need of an awesome squad, for either of your gaming needs...check us out!!! http://www.ammunation.cjb.net Also be on the look out for our TFD side as well...but that's in the works:)
Good luck in the games!!!

In His grip,

08-20-2002, 11:59 PM
glad to hear AN is back in action. :)

try not to let the little things get to ya scath, mostly good people in the df community.

08-21-2002, 10:04 AM
Hey thanks! Yeah I'm not going to let the few mess with us. You're right in saying there are way more "good guys" than "bad guys" in this game:) and it's way worth it!

Thanks again!
In His grip,