View Full Version : Console Commands

06-05-2002, 12:30 AM
These are the console commands that I know work. If you know of others, please post them here.

Console Commands for C4:
Press `~` (tilde) and enter the command you want:

Command = Function/Action

Punt #=Punts a player by ID number

Bozo #=Ignore text messages of a player ID number (only ignores team chat "Y", does not block text chat "T".)

savescores=Save Scores

exit=Exit Mission

quit=Exit Game

flipmouse=Flip Mouse (swaps mouse up/dwn direction)

restart=Restart Mission (restarts current mission)

huddetail=Hud Detail (Same as F6)

resetgames=Reset Game (ends current game & defaults to whatever you have selected in the Replay box on the host screen.if it is set to no, the game will end & return you to the host screen)

Ban # =Ban a player by name or IP-adress (player will be punted & if they try to rejoin they will get a message that they have been banned from this game. this lasts only while the host is up)

command=Command Prompt

OldMessages=Recent Messages (same as pressing "R")

talk=Chat (same as pressing t)