View Full Version : To Charger

Ahmed Awad
08-16-2002, 06:48 PM
Dear Charger,

I am lost here again, yesterday I was playing normally and won the mission and exited normal, today I tried to jump in again and I received an error " Text Dump error" and I could not get in the program again??? I tried to reinstall an repatch and no way??? please help, I really appreciated it.

Ahmed Awad
08-16-2002, 06:50 PM
Sorry the error is SYSDUMP error

08-16-2002, 08:10 PM
First of all tell me which mission this happened with and second I'm just now experiencing what SYSDUMP.TXT is all about because I got that error when building a mission for Task Force Dagger last week. I was told that it was something to do with certain items placed on the map but since you played then couldn't has got me a little baffled.

I placed certain bulding on my map then went to play and got the error. After removing some of the bulding or a ceratin group of buildings I didn't get the message.

Also check this out below.


[Edited on 8-17-2002 by Charger]

Ahmed Awad
08-17-2002, 07:45 AM
Dear Charger,

The mission that I was playing I guess was the protecting the people of the US Embassy and evacuate them with a black hawk, it was a mission with so many buildings too, the only thing I just can't really remember more than that but the thing is that it did not crash during the mission this happened after I passed the mission and got my score, I close the c4 and returned the next day and this was all about. Thanks for your help.

Ahmed Awad
08-17-2002, 07:53 AM
Dear Charger,

I read also the link below your answer, I agree about this is like a log file with the error occured, but the problem now that I removed the game and tried a new install and failed with the same error so I took it out from the PC, the mission that I was flying was from the built in ones.

08-17-2002, 02:52 PM
I’ve been gathering some information on the subject of SYSDUMP.TXT.
First of all getting this error doesn’t indicate one certain problem but does indicate that a problem with the game, no matter what the problem is will create the sysdump.txt text file.
I’m told that the sysdump.txt file is created for the purpose of the user sending this file to Novalogic for them to analyze the data within and thus being able to solve your problem. I have not heard of anyone who has sent this file to Novalogic for support as of yet. Not to dis’ Novalogic support but I would bet that if a person sent this information to them its doubtful they (NL) would reply or even take the time to help you with your problem to begin with, having first hand experience with trying to get help from them.

Some of the known issues relating to sysdump.txt error are certain items placed on your map. Another could be a sound file used. I’ve experienced problems with certain sound files, to many or a mixture or certain ones.

Its obvious that no one can pin point what cause the error except by trial and error to solve some of them and in your case having been able to play the mission one day and not the next gets put into the mystery category. It may be a problem only you are having due to your system configuration I don’t know but I don’t know which mission it was to test it out on my machine to see if I get the same thing. I haven’t experienced any errors with other’s user made missions as yet.

08-17-2002, 09:37 PM
I started getting it every great once in awhile, while playing online.

I believe it's some violation error but most likely due to another program running in the background that it doesn't like.

Also, just to be safe, do a thorough virus scan of your system and use Ad Aware to remove spy-ware (never hurts).

But otherwise, try closing a bunch of programs before you use Comanche 4.

You can also stop them from loading using: Start - Run - msconfig

Can you post the content of your sysdump.txt file?

We can do some google.com searches, and maybe our sysdump.txt's have something in common.

Worth a try. :)

[Edited on 8-18-2002 by quiet]

Ahmed Awad
08-18-2002, 08:21 AM
Hi every one,

I got an answer for this error, yesterday I tried a clean install and patched also the no cd play, then I tried to open the game and I had a great surprise...the game did not recognized my video card as a d3d accelerator, I went to DX Diagnose and I saw from the test (I have DX 8.1b) and during the test I saw that too no dx acceleration, I have no idea what happened but I reinstalled the game again and installed direct x from the CD of the C4 and every thing went good no errors at all, I really don't know how DX can be violated or overwritten??? well this is how I solved the problem.

08-18-2002, 08:12 PM
Thanks for sharing your solution, hope this will help others who run into the same problem.:cool:

08-20-2002, 09:05 AM
I was at the point of completly deleting this crummy game because I had so many Sysdump error, one after the other.

I moved from W98 to XP, reinstalled the game (not DX from cd) and all new drivers.

Since then I never had a sysdump error.
(keeping my fingers crossed):)

Anyways, I hope this helps someone


[Edited on 8-20-2002 by unoyt]

11-01-2002, 06:58 PM
has anyone yet worked out this sysdump.txt thing yet?

i have task force dagger on an xp system and a win 98 it works fine on xp but with 98 the only thing that doesn't work is the game loading. all me and my bro want to do is fight each other on LAN.

if someone has fount out or knows what the sysdump.txt file actually is could you please e-mail me. it would be greatelly appretiated.


Oh yeah nearly forgot to mention, you have some good stuff above this topic well done for sussing it out.


11-02-2002, 06:44 PM
The only thing I ever got that I thought was pretty cool was an offer to beta test Tribes 2...I said "YES" and they never got back to me...hmmm...losers!;):cool2::cool:

01-06-2003, 10:03 PM
I have been unable as of yet to fix this problem. Reading from NovaLogics site, it says that the error is generated when DirectX and your hardware cannot work together well. Obviously a driver issue. It is extremely sensitive on systems using VIA or AMD chipsets.

If anyone can help me out please let me know. I will give you a little information here so you may see my problems:

I can't seem to get any drivers for a stable system while running Delta Force Land Warrior and Delta Force Task Force Dagger. I constantly get a "sysdump" error.

My system:

Epox EP-8KTA3
AMD Duron 800MHz (not overclocked anymore)
512 MB PC-133 Crucial/Micron SDRAM
GeForce 2 MX 32MB (3D Prophet II)
Sound Blaster Audigy MP3+
Windows XP Professional

Latest VIA drivers installed
Latest NVidia Detonator drivers installed
Latest Sound Blaster drivers installed
Latest DirectX drivers installed (8.1)

I've tried Via 14.37, 14.43, and 14.45 hyperon drivers.
I've tried NVidia 40.41 and 40.72 drivers.
I've tried DirectX 8.0 and 8.1.

I have not updated Windows XP, it is still using default installation.

I have reset my BIOS to defaults and tried a few other BIOS related things, including processor voltage and clock at defaults, and overclocked speeds.

My problem is I cannot find any drivers that work. I'm hoping that someout out there with a similar system configuration of mine and running this game has found a stable set of drivers. If you are this person, please tell me what you are using. I'd be greatly appreciated.

01-07-2003, 09:44 PM
Have you tried any of the older Nvidia drivers? I know no one wants to run older drivers but the truth is I have problems with certain games on my system with certain driver versions. I cannot use any of the newest Nvidia drivers. I'm using 3082, which seems to work the best for me but I do get a little screen flare in Sum Of All Fears but perfect resolution in all other games.

Okay this isn't something I can verify or am I qualified to say if its true or not but chips such as Duron, Celron are low grade chip, doesn't mean their bad just that I've heard they do not stand up to some of the application demands for some games. Maybe this is something you might want to check into more thoroughly because I could be so wrong about that.

My system is:
EpoX 8KHA+ Motherboard
AMD Thunderbird 1.3GHz
Nvidia 32MB GeForce
Sound Blaster 128

I am using DirectX 9.0
Which doesn’t seem that much different to 8.1.

Hope someone can help you out cause I know how disappointing it can be not to be able to play a game without some error popping up all the time. :cool:

01-09-2003, 07:38 PM
No. I do not know where to download older driver versions. Is there a site for this?

I don't think the problem is processor related at all. I've spoke with others where this problem has occured on higher end systems using Athlon processors. Also, Novalogic states its a Direct X related issue, and likely a video card driver problem.

Considering this games engine, I believe that to be correct. The engine is not well designed and has many problems, in my opinion of course.

01-09-2003, 08:19 PM
Yes all Nvidia drivers are located at....

Nvidia.com (http://www.nvidia.com/)

Cool on the processor, glad thats not a problem.

01-09-2003, 08:24 PM
Either I'm stupid or more lazy than I thought. I cannot find any older drivers. Can you provide a link please?

01-09-2003, 09:37 PM

01-10-2003, 02:13 AM
That is NOT what I meant. I cannot find older drivers on their site, only the new ones. Is there a database somewhere of all drivers, where you can download any revison?

01-10-2003, 10:08 PM
If you go through the motion of selecting a driver...even if its a new one for your card, you'll notice on that page where you can download the driver, to the left it says something about...example following > Windows 95/98/Me Driver Archive. Look for the word "Archive" to the left and click there. That should take you to the older drivers, not sure how far back they go but for Window98 its something like 28.92, that’s fairly old. If this doesn't help then I'm dry for an answer. I do not know off hand of a site that has Nvidia drivers but you can search in Google for others.

Google --> www.google.com

Or try this.


Above is a url for Windows XP that might be for your card. I entered your os and GeForce and got this url. Look to the left of that page for Archive and see what they have for available drivers. :cool:

[Edited on 1-11-2003 by Charger]