View Full Version : Teammates

03-30-2003, 07:47 PM
Has anyone figured out how to get their teammates to leave the little choppers and follow them (the player) after boarding and flying with them to the battle zone ? I can get them to board (attach to) the chopper - but can't get them to unload and follow afterwards (using the Goto player waypoint).

03-30-2003, 07:57 PM
Sorry Rex but I haven't gotten that far yet, I'm still tring to get H-66 to take off after dropping you off. Maybe I'll add a memeber and see if I can come up with something to help you out. You'll probably figure it out way before I do no doubt.:cool:

03-30-2003, 11:00 PM
Okay, when the AI are 'attached' to the Small Choppers and the Humvees they are in a 'special state' - a requirement for them to function properly in these roles. ( Although the map editing manual lists this option as 'special state' in the editor, it is actually labeled 'guarding' in my editor's item attributes box ).

To get your teammates to follow you after they have attached to a vehicle, change the AI single -> Guard Bit of the teammate to 0 in the events editor before redirecting them to follow you...


03-31-2003, 01:52 AM
This game seems to be waypoint and state intensive. Even though the manual says that 'follow waypoint' is not used, if you are using the Land State for the Heli, you can change the heli state to follow waypoint and then redirect... it will take right off.


[Edited on 4-6-2003 by Bluetiereign]

04-02-2003, 11:42 AM
Okay I got one for ya. Anyone figure out a way to get a hostage to fallow you or at least leave the room after you've "seen" them and maybe run to the LZ?

04-02-2003, 01:24 PM
Are you still talking about DF:BHD?

04-02-2003, 03:45 PM
Oops..sorry, BHD. At least I was.:cool2:

04-02-2003, 04:58 PM
Gonna try this myself later to make sure. Try redirecting them to nearest waypoint of 127 (gotoplayer)... after they see ssn#10000 (your auto #). Our 'teammates' seem to get easily caught behind obstacles and will run forever into walls trying to get to you. Things seem to run smoother with very detailed waypoint lists.

04-02-2003, 07:47 PM
Not sure how to set up what you said but I manage to use an area trigger and set it up in the room the hostage was in. When I went in to get him he up and ran out and with waypoints got him where I wanted him. All in all it was a cheap way to do it but worked great for the mission I'm designing. It will work for what I'm doing but eventually I would like to gain more control over events. Even though this editor is the C4 editor things config a little differently as you may know all ready.:cool:

04-02-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally by Charger:
Not sure how to set up what you said but I manage to use an area trigger and set it up in the room..

After testing this, your idea of the area trigger did work better than trying to get a prisoner to 'see'.

As for setting it up - Instead of redirecting the AI to follow a separate waypoint list - you can actually assign him your waypoint list. Unlike what I see in the C4 editor -After choosing redirect ssn- if you scroll down the waypoint lists to 127 you will see this number is already reservered for the single players' waypoints (gotoplayer). Although the player of the SP mission may understand to go out the front door from inside a building to get to a waypoint behind the building - if your waypoint list for the player is not very specific - your 'hostage', lacking human logic, will likely get stuck...

Also... your ssn as the single player in the mission is automatically assigned as 10000.

Try it.... I've actually had AI miss chopper rides forget about them - and have them show up at a building over 2 km away...lol... makes you feel like you moved and forgot the dog. :bisou:

04-02-2003, 10:12 PM
For what I did, just having the "Hostage" fallow the wp to the LZ was good enough because your basically going to eliminate most of the tango's well before rescuing him and then high tailing it to the LZ. I would love to have hostage shadow player as I've seen in other games. I did have to detail wp for hostage to make it through each door and walk downstairs and out of the building. In actuality you end up fallowing him and at the same time protecting him from and hostiles who wonder into the area. I can see this method may only work for certain situations, as I'm working with mostly desert, a few buildings and wide open space. Thanks for the hints and I will keep working at it.