View Full Version : Wish List for Next Generation FPS Games

03-04-2003, 09:13 PM
Post your needs, wants and desires here for the next generation first-person shooter military games...

03-04-2003, 09:35 PM
total imersion
Virtual reality
but thats just a dream i guess

03-04-2003, 09:47 PM
Co op Co op Co op Co op Co op. (1)
Female characters so our favorite Lady(s) can play along (1a)

03-05-2003, 12:12 AM
(1) Real terrains created by compiling satellite imagery maps in 3D, and with built-in sound affects.

(2) IP & LAN options in Multiplayer Menu.

(3) New releases as Expansion Packs that build on the original game... stop making Terra Nova work so hard, and let them play for a change!

(4) Enhance the Events and Mission Goals concept for map makers... in fact, enhance the Map Editor, period.

(5) Give me back my Female character choices... sheesh!

(6) Improve the textures and realism of characters, i.e., annimated facial movement and no more 'block' figures.

(7) More emphasis on Single Player and Cooperative Modes, i.e., the re-creation of declassified spec ops missions.

03-05-2003, 03:23 AM
Lets start with Decent AI and work our way up shall we

Moddable would be nice
The ability to edit at least the face from the options menu so each character would be nice.

[Edited on 3-5-2003 by LadyHawke]

03-05-2003, 05:07 PM
De Buurman

Joined: 14 Nov 2002

Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:04 pm


* Some facility to make your own uniform.

* possibility `s to drive planes and vehicles, maybe for example in a tank it needs Four people to work properly ( would be very nice)

* Weather controle in one game so it changes from morning to dark

* AI`s have same capability as players.

... let me think

* Shading Terrain possibilty `s from beneath!

* Maybe also a few open links in program for further development use.

[Edited on 3-6-2003 by LadyHawke]

03-05-2003, 08:22 PM

06-03-2003 12:06 AM

Thick vegitation and forest maps

Realistic water

Realistic bullet trajectory

Good sniper outfits

Broadband only multiplayer... 56 k and below, f**k you.

More hazards... natural hazards like snakes and f**king bigass mutated bullfrogs with lazers on their ballsacks.

Acoustic concentrated soundbeam weapons

Voice cominications

The ability to use any object as a weapon.

03-06-2003, 11:43 AM

Thu Mar 06, 2003 9:22 am


Deformable terrain & objects [Satchels leave craters, At4s blow holes in the side of buildings Etc]

Host connection selectable [allow the host to determine if 56kers can play or not]

Free copies of all forth coming games for anyone who registerd in DFLW & DFTFD as "Devlyn16"

[Edited on 3-6-2003 by LadyHawke]

03-06-2003, 03:32 PM
How about workin on this coop thing......get 2 0r 3 ex military members from each country ; to represent each of our Coop squads.....take a road trip to novalogic.....and show them in person , that their customers require them to change their minds about the importance of SP/COOP options...........

Oh....does it sound like I'm a little ticked off............Damm Straight I Am...:ar15::ar15::ar15::ar15::ar15:

03-06-2003, 04:36 PM

Posted 06 Mar 2003 14:02

Iron Sights on the guns, Gun jams, blood shooting out from ppl, Automatic rifles, large arsonal, better camofloge..... That's all I can think of now.

03-06-2003, 08:38 PM
COOP players are a different breed of player, we have seen in the past how game makers ignore these players and find out after they release the game that they have to update them and put COOP in. As for female characters I really don't care to here the excuse we wanted the game as releastic as possible due to females not being in a campain that the game was made after. Females have played a part in all wars and I believe they deserve recognition whether they were on the front or not just my thoughs thanks

[Edited on 3-7-2003 by ^BH^GHOST]

[Edited on 3-7-2003 by ^BH^GHOST]

03-07-2003, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by LadyHawke :
(1) Real terrains created by compiling satellite imagery maps in 3D, and with built-in sound affects.

(2) IP & LAN options in Multiplayer Menu.

(3) New releases as Expansion Packs that build on the original game... stop making Terra Nova work so hard, and let them play for a change!

(4) Enhance the Events and Mission Goals concept for map makers... in fact, enhance the Map Editor, period.

(5) Give me back my Female character choices... sheesh!

(6) Improve the textures and realism of characters, i.e., annimated facial movement and no more 'block' figures.

(7) Possibility `s to drive planes and vehicles, maybe for example in a tank it needs Four people to work properly ( would be very nice)

(8) Weather controle in one game so it changes from morning to dark

(9) AI`s have same capability as players.

(10) Shading Terrain possibilty `s from beneath!

(11) Thick vegitation and forest maps

(12) Realistic bullet trajectory

(13) Good sniper outfits

(14) More hazards... natural hazards like snakes and stuff......

(15) Voice cominications

(16) The ability to use any object as a weapon.

(17) Deformable terrain & objects [Satchels leave craters, At4s blow holes in the side of buildings Etc]

(18) Host connection selectable [allow the host to determine if 56kers can play or not]

(19) Gun jams

(20) blood shooting out from ppl

(21) Automatic rifles, large arsonal

(22) better camouflage.....

You left nothing out, I think........
Except for :


03-07-2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by Ryan Cawdor <|SC|>
We were soldiers once ..........and young

i love that movie, i just watched it tonight for about the 5th time. best war movie of the past few years if you ask me.

03-11-2003, 10:39 AM

Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:37 pm

Any game would be great where you don't look like a bump on a log when you go prone and try to snipe.

And especially if you don't look like you're doing a magic trick like floating in the air while you're in that prone position on a ridge top or behind a bump on the ground - where the front part of you is burried in the ground and the rest of you (including your feet) are floating in the air.

03-11-2003, 09:00 PM
a few people have posted they want weather control
we have weather control
in BHD :nod:

i just made a test map were the Fog starts at early morning
and clears off
it starts at 30 m
and slowly clears at 2 meters per 2 seconds
up to 600m
it also get brighter as the time goes by :P

you make a WAC file and scriprt almost anything you want
check one out
just extract one from the PFF:dance:
Do You Wanna See it
Download it HERE (http://www.dfarena.com/~smokin420bud/ClearingUp.zip)

only the host will see the Sunrise effects
unless all players have the WAC file installed

[Edited on 3-12-2003 by Smokin@420.BUD]

03-12-2003, 12:07 AM
"More hazards... natural hazards like snakes and f**king bigass mutated bullfrogs with lazers on their ballsacks."

And Sharks with frikin laser beams on their foreheads?


05-05-2003, 03:53 PM
definitely the deformable terrain idea.

better use of foliage for camoflauge and concealment.i.e. bushes you can't run through :rolleyes:

05-22-2003, 11:15 AM
also I would like to see an option to turn on very graphic violence and extreme blood!! Has anyone ever played Return to Wolfenstein? you shoot a zombie or soldier and BOOM! blood sprays! body parts fly in all different directions! Its great!! especially when you are walking around with a minigun in hand, I would like to see that in BHD!! LOL I also agree with Ladyhawk on the 56k thing, screw em! lol j/k. :):baddevil::ar15:

[Edited on 5-28-2003 by Ludd]

a pink punk
06-02-2003, 04:18 PM
a way to costamize your guns.
1. like put a better scope on the at4.

2. chang the barrel on your guns

3. chang the type of bullets your gun shots.

4. carry dint stuff so you can chang your gun in the battel field.

5. chand the way you look IE dress like a T so they think your one of them.

6. have guns that you carrer on your back that you have to deploy yo use IE 50 cals, but they would take 10-15 secs to depoly.

7. all so if you were on a hill prone your body would be tilted and so would you cross hairs, but if you were on flat groud they would level.

let me think ...

8. in stead of calling in arrtiler you can call in a plane or a helicopter.

9. better map editer's.


07-28-2003, 10:42 PM
Better graphics nvr hurt...I also agree it would b nice to have virtual reality...but 4 now...more guns and better graphics

Also that u can use the vehicles...it would b nice to blow some1 away with a tank every now and then


08-04-2003, 10:34 PM
I would like to use Massive destruction weapons like : Nukes , Ion cannon , cruising missiles , biological bombs and maybe some fictionnal secret weapons ...lol :bigun2:

Also Martial Arts instead of the stupid knife or pouch :boxe:

08-05-2003, 09:50 PM
I'd like to see a control that would allow the host to send 10,000volts of electrical power to any players keyboard in the game who...

a. shoots smiley faces in the wall, or their name

b. accidentally kills himself and nearest team mates with a frag cause it bounced off the door frame...

c. when bunched up at a door way…players behind shoots through you to kill a tango in front that you were just getting ready to shoot

d. player who run’s out ahead of everyone else with frag launcher and waste everything on the map before you get a shot off

e. that one player who seems to use the loudest gun in a hostage rescue mission while everyone else goes suppressed

f. etc.

08-06-2003, 03:22 AM
highest intergration of moddability..
common 3d formats lw,max,maya.
co-ops for sure
with AI that dont run into walls and keep running into them..lol
alot more silent weapons choices
booby traps of all types

[Edited on 8-6-2003 by wildman2]

09-02-2003, 07:44 PM

Hello Sweet Ladyhawke,

I am back in the country for 2 weeks but not under the best circumstances. They brought me home so I could inter my better half and make arrangements for my 9 year old daughter and I will return to Afghanistan for a last stage of 1 month.

I have seen your wish list today and I assure you the offer made prior to my departure is in the process of being realized with the help of other military advisors and of course when I come back we will have to talk very seriously about my proposal, I NEED YOUR EXPERTISE IN MARKETING and the offer I gave you STILL STANDS. I know you understand.

Well here is what I propose to do:

09-02-2003, 08:15 PM
Dearest Scorpion...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss... My heart aches for you and your precious daughter... Both of you will be in my daily prayers.

Please be especially careful during your last tour in Afghanistan, JD!

09-02-2003, 08:40 PM
Sweet Ladyhawke,

I hope that you know you are some special LADY and hope everyone here realizes it. Thank you so much for your prayers, I believe they have helped us in our OPS in Afghanistan PS I do not want to be bombed by our sides aircraft again. We escaped multiple casualties this time but next time......... We will shoot back with everything we have trust me, I did not like loosing some of my boys. I was lucky suffered only minor injuries from those missiles.

By the way I have sent you an email hope you will agree.

Love you always Scorpion:D:D;):D