View Full Version : Tutorial for DF1 Terrain Creating

02-25-2003, 07:50 PM
Hey all,
I have Photoshop 7 and a small amount of graphical skills. I've created skins for DF1, created maps, and I'd like to take it to another level and create some terrains.
Do any of you know where I can get a good tutorial for what I need & how to make tutorials for the original (the best) Delta Force? Thanks in advance. :bouncing:

02-26-2003, 01:32 AM
it's been a long time for me top, i'm not sure cpd has much on df1 anymore. but try here...

tutorials section of terrains (http://www.checkpointdelta.net/cgi-bin/db.cgi?db=file&uid=default&Game=TERRTUTORIAL&sb=5&so=descend&view_records=1&ID=*&mh=15)

02-27-2003, 01:45 AM
here (http://www.checkpointdelta.net/forum/viewthread.php?tid=570)
If you can make skins you should have no problems making terrains..Id suggest reading a tutorial or 2 on making terrains then if you runn into any snags post back here again and we'll work them out ..

[Edited on 2-27-2003 by wildman2]