View Full Version : Can't get Saitek X45 throttle to work--any idea why?

01-16-2003, 02:19 PM
I recently picked up a Saitek X45 (awesome HOTAS!) and decided to go back and enjoy some C4 action again.

When I used the stick/throttle *without* the latest NovaLogic C4 update, the throttle worled fine (controlled the collective). Then, when I installed the update, suddenly my X45 throttle doesn't work, and the collective has mysteriously been mapped to the X45's rotary knob.

I've gone into Options (in C4) and played with everything I can, including checking "Joystick" and "Enable Throttle," and it still doesn't work.

I don't think it's a Saitek issue, 'cause it works beautifully in every other game, and all controls are showing up fine in Windows' Control Panel > Gaming Options.

Any idea what's going on here?


01-16-2003, 07:54 PM
First try to reinstall the stick. If that doesn't work. Try to remap the stick to the key board.

01-16-2003, 07:55 PM
Have you tried removing and reinstalling the software and drivers that come with the stick ??????

01-23-2003, 09:11 PM
You have to manually remap the stick to match the game keys, be prepared to spend some time doing this. The Saitek software doesn't like my newer system nor XP for some reason and I had to switch to a different type of stick :(

07-02-2004, 07:13 PM
hmm, For some reason I cant use the trottle in multiplay. I can use it in the chopper training and it works great. All the other controls work fine in MP but no trottle. I'm using a microsoft sidewinder 2. Any ideas on how to make this work?

07-03-2004, 06:05 AM
1) installed using saitek drivers from saitek web (not the disk that came with it ) ?
2) I haven't updated my c4, I guess that could be the problem - just use the ver 1.5 fixed or ver2.0 fixed from here, and don't update them (for multiplayer, the server decides what you are playing anyway), you can even put them in the same directory (name one of them something other than c4.exe), and fly either version without problems
3)my saitek broke so long ago I forget how the throttle was mapped, but if something crazy is happening you can always use the saited macro editor to play around with it and using default key mappings, make it work via macro. I don't recall having problem with it though. Have you updated your motherboard drivers though ? (all drivers, especially vgart and USB drivers)

good luck, happy 4th of July all