View Full Version : Laggish

01-08-2003, 02:26 PM
Hey all, I have a question. When I host TFD on Co-op missions. A friend of mine joins in and says that the enemies are skipping around or he will shoot them and they dont die or he cant see some stuff like helicopters or when we start he will not start in the helicopter with me..Seems real laggy he says..I have a DSL connection, and a pretty fast pc at 2.4 gig and 1024mb of ddr ram. I have some garbage norton firewall but I turn it off when I'm hosting. It only seems to be Co-op missions to, when I host any other type of game it does not do that. If anybody has any ideas, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

Nic^ out...

01-08-2003, 06:25 PM
Actually Rüstinsk, LadyHawke or Edward would probably be better qualified here to answer. But a couple of things right off... only the host will see AI moving in 'real time'... appearing to actually run. The rest will see what appears to be AI 'hopping'. As for the helicopter.. you didn't mention whose maps you are 'hosting'... but the 'invisible' helicopter problem could be the lack of it being put into a 'parent/group' in the editor.

As for DSL ... sometimes that fast connection will have a blazing download time.... but the upload leaves much to be desired.

Hope this little bit helps...


01-08-2003, 09:43 PM
It all comes down to packet rate. :cool:

01-09-2003, 12:35 AM
What Bluetiereign said is correct. What you describe is the normal play for one joining a cooperative server. It has nothing to do with you.

There are many coop maps that are made that take those glitches into consideration. You will just need to find the good maps & host those

01-09-2003, 03:30 PM
If you have IP4LW or IP4TFD, you can check the ping to all servers available on NovaWorld. As a rule of thumb, I never join any server unless the ping is under 200... best play is on servers whose ping is less than 100.

01-10-2003, 04:57 AM
LadyHawke is there a tutorial for the one for TFD ? I'm stumped.:stupid2:

01-10-2003, 01:49 PM
The IP4TFD has more options than IP4LW, and I don't believe there is a Tutorial for its use. I just played around with it, until I figured out all the tabs and options.

The most important thing to remember is setting up the correct NovaWorld IP address under Connection preferences. Whenever the game is updated, the NW IP address is also changed.

[Edited on 1-10-2003 by LadyHawke]