View Full Version : Windows 10 Fix for BHD / C4 / JO MEDs

03-07-2018, 06:58 PM
From NovaHQ

If you've been having issues launching the BHD / C4 / JO Med (Or any other NovaLogic med) recently, Sil and I have found a fix for it.

Download the app below. This will install a set of compatibility flags for the mission editors to help them run properly under Windows 10 1703+. It will also allow you to install fixes for DF1, DFLW and DFTFD and other games.

Thanks to everyone for all the information that helped make this app possible.

Download Here (http://novahq.net/files.php?ID=728)

Santa AkA SoDam
03-11-2018, 05:20 AM
I haven't tried this yet, but I can't wait give it a try next time I'm at me pc 💻

Deffo got to bookmark 🔖 this page 📄

03-11-2018, 10:10 AM
I wouldn't bother SoDam. You'll be so busy dying, it won't be any fun. Oh, wait, this is for the MED. I guess you're safe then... :rofl:

Santa AkA SoDam
03-11-2018, 10:55 AM
Ohh... You got my hopes up for a minute lol
I didn't see it was for the MED only lol..

We need a patch for the game itself to run on win 10

Then I'll whoop your sorry butt in to next week lol

03-11-2018, 06:23 PM
...Then I'll whoop your sorry butt in to next week lol

Somebody wake Phil... he's dreaming...