View Full Version : The Hill Kings Map Makers Comp

08-12-2012, 10:21 PM
Coming soon will be a map makers comp hosted by www.thehillkings.com (http://www.thehillkings.com) and kiwisniper.
There will be a few rules and theme for each comp and the win will have there map hosted by the www.thehillkings.com (http://www.thehillkings.com/).
:snipersmilie.gif:________________________________ _______________________________ :brutal173.gif:

Keep an eye on the News headlines @ «HK NEWS HK» (http://hillkingnews.webs.com/)

08-19-2012, 06:50 AM
Ok here is the first ever Hill Kings Map Maker Comp

Game type:----->TKOTH
Due date:------->19th September

maps are to be made to play on the standard 1.5 bhd only!
post only the bms file here (http://www.thehillkings.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=86) when you are ready to enter

good luck all