View Full Version : Comanche 4 Squads

12-29-2010, 12:33 AM
Posted on the Comanche 4 Facebook Group

Hello fellow Comanche 4 members. This is Bluetiereign from Checkpointdelta. I am attempting to bury the hatchet with those I have managed to offend over the years, and asking you to bury yours, in an effort to preserve our history. While not all of it is pretty, we have it. We own it - and I, for one, am willing to own up to it.

We are all big boys and girls here, so I'm not trying to pull heart strings. Simply put, not all... of us made it to this point. Along the way, we lost Darrell (Bump), Allan (Dr. Evil), Paul (Rustinsk) and Marty (Rotor6). These are just the ones that I know of. There may have been more. While none of us want to be remembered solely for our ability to fly a helicopter in sim, I think we would like to remember the good times we had, who we had them with - and have at least a little something to show for them.

Here is what I'm proposing. I am making an effort to give each and every squad that ever existed in C4 a subdomain at CPD. Each Squad can do whatever they want, but I would like to see a a small history of the squad, a roster of those who flew and if you have them... the score screenshots of your matches.

Please understand that I have no illusions that Comanche 4 will ever be supported or regain the popularity it once held. That is not what this is about. It is about preserving our history. It is about having something for the kids, grandkids, etc. to see. Its just a thought at the moment, but the subdomains are already being created.

Your domain will be free from outside moderation. All I ask is that you keep foul language and nudity off of the pages. After all, this is your legacy. All Squads will be provided a link on the front page and full ftp access to their subdomain. It won't happen overnight, but it can happen over time. Please don't let yours be blank.

Thank you,


12-29-2010, 12:33 AM
I was going through the 23 pages of posts we have here in Comanche 4 and came up with these Squads... please help me with missing info and squads.

1CAV - 1st Air Cavalry
ADS - Air Defenses Squadron
APS - Air Prowlers Squad
ASE - Assault Second Edition
BKC - Black Knights Collective
BPS - Best Players Squad
BSS - Black Sheep Squadron
C4V - Comanche 4 Veterans
CAS - Comanche Attack Squadron
CFS - Comanche Fighter Squadron
CHAOS - Chaos
CIA - Comanche Independent Alliance
CON - Creatures Of Night
DIE - Death Is Everywhere
DSS - Deep Strike Squadron
EFA - European Fighter Alliance
FFF - French For Fun
FUN - Friends United Squadron
FWD - Fighting War Devils
FWP - Fight With Pride
IFS - Irish Fire Squadron
IND - Independence Squad
ISA - Issue Silent Assault
KA7 - Kick Butt Seven
LAW - Low Altitude Warfare
LFS - Lords Fighter Squadron
LRS - Lightning Raiders Squadron
NBK - Natural Born Killers
NFT - National French Team
NPC - Night Prowlers Clan
RCS - Rogue Comanche Squad
SAI - Silent Assault Inc.
SAS - Secret Attack Squad
SON - Shadows Of Night
SPT - Spanish Power Team
THC - Tetra Hostile Commandos
TPL - Team Poland
UFS - United Fighting Spirits
V23 - Squad V 23

12-29-2010, 05:02 AM
CAS - Comanche Attack Squadron
EFA - European Fighter Alliance
FFF - French For Fun
FUN - Friends United Squadron
FWD - Fighting War Deviles
FWP - Fight With Pride
LRS - Lighting Raiders Squadron
SON - Shadows of Night
THC - Tetra Hostile Commandos
NBK - Natural Born Killers
NFT - National French Team
KA7 -
IFS - The Irish Fire Squadron
NPC - Night Prowlers Clan

12-29-2010, 09:57 AM
Thank you Red. Just need a few more and we'll go from there. What I would like to do is get as much history as possible for each squad and post it on their own subdomain - unless they want more.

12-30-2010, 10:23 AM
Count me in Blue!


Dark Warrior
12-30-2010, 01:13 PM
on me too

12-30-2010, 09:16 PM
Awesome. I'm drawing up some plans to make it easy on those who don't want to build pages, etc. We have some time. I want it to work.

12-31-2010, 02:42 AM
Blue, Thank you very much for this one. You can count on SAI, to support and help you in any way we can. A lot has happened between the pilots and squads of Comanche 4 over the years, I hope we can all come togather on this one and make it happen.

01-01-2011, 03:13 PM
Hi Blue and all:

Wow, this is a great idea, and quite considered and generous of you Blue... :)

BSS, really BsS means: BlackSheep Squadron. I'll talk to =BsS=Haze about this (the founder BsS). I'm sure you can count on us to help in anyway we can.

FWP, which was the 1st C4 squadron I was in. But the only history I know about FWP is that I used to be in it, we never played in a match, LOL, and I can only remember a few of the FWP members. StingerFWP (who started the squadron), BaneFWP (who did work on the player manager and a C4 No-CD.exe, and other C4 related stuff,) and BigDaddyFWP. I think I'm the only FWP member still actively around.

Also, the newest C4 Squadron (I know of) is C4V (Comanche 4 Veterans). I didn't see this squadron on your list.

01-01-2011, 03:48 PM
I found a few more.
LFS - Lords Fighter Squadron
CIA - Comanche Independent Alliance
BsS - Black Sheep Squadron

others, Tourneys and Leagues these old pilots should have a lot.
Rantanplan - Squad Central
Killer - C4 Tourneys and Squad Tourneys
Wiper 6 - C4 League

Comanche4.50megs.com I think the 1st and oldest C4 site.

01-01-2011, 03:52 PM
Thank you HotShot and Red Baron. Info added. Every little bit collected helps. I spent a couple of hours this morning getting the domains and default pages made and uploaded - along with a menu on the Portal to get you there. Spread the word ! Thanks everyone for your help.

01-02-2011, 05:01 AM
Does any one know of any more C4 Squad web pages that are still up.
CON - http://freewebs.com/c4con
LFS - http://lordsfighters.net
SAI - www.saisquad.com until 18 Jan, and then there will be a historical page here on CPD.

Dark Warrior
01-02-2011, 05:19 PM
SPT: Spanish Power Team - http://www.freewebs.com/escuadronspt/index.htm
RCS :Rogue Comanche Squad - http://www.freewebs.com/c4rcs/
ISA : Issue Silent Assault - http://www.freewebs.com/fly4isa/
TPL : Team Poland - http://www.tpl-comanche4.yoyo.pl/index.php?file=News
FUN : Friends UNited Squadron - http://friendssquad.proboards.com/index.cgi?
FFF : French for Fun - http://138901.aceboard.net/index.php?login=138901
EFA : European Fighter Alliance - http://www.wismar-service.de/efa/start.htm

01-02-2011, 08:55 PM
Thank you Dark - that helps. Wow. 2 More. We are up to nearly 40 squads. I don't remember ever seeing 40 players, much less squads. Dark, I really appreciate you helping like this. Thanks.

Santa AkA SoDam
01-07-2011, 02:02 AM
WoW thx blue, this is a great idea, this will keep you busy for a long time!! ;)

01-07-2011, 03:36 PM
Great idea Blue:
Die = Death is Everyhere squad, SAS = Secret Attack Squad. As one of the founders of Die and a member of SAS I will make a history page for these 2. I will also make a history page for Get Ranked and the old C4 information site I did years ago.

As a side note many of the squads have their old squad sites stored via Web Archiving at the The Wayback Machine http://www.archive.org/web/web.php. Any one who wants to spend the time searching may be able to find old roster information.

Basically you need a url for a archived site, then check the links to see how many pages have been archived. I was able to get the rosters from both Die and SAS, it just takes time to research the pages, they load very slowly.
Google Comanche 4 squads and there should be a few pages to help, here are a few pages with squad links to get you started:

01-07-2011, 07:49 PM
Thank you Reaper. I really appreciate the help. This is a project that will take time... for sure.

Dark Warrior
01-08-2011, 05:03 AM
Thank you Dark - that helps. Wow. 2 More. We are up to nearly 40 squads. I don't remember ever seeing 40 players, much less squads. Dark, I really appreciate you helping like this. Thanks.

I played against these players when the C4 league and even if the language barrier is there, the C4 community is my family :thumb:

Dark Warrior
01-08-2011, 09:19 AM
UFS : United Fights Spirit ( Germany)

01-09-2011, 08:04 AM
Hiya Blue, this is a good idea, although my (intended) squad the CIA, never came to fruition. I have now let the website, I had for it, expire.
As far as I am concerned, I am now a member of the 'virtual Royal Air Force' <http://www.vraf.org/> where we fly as would the RAF fly, using Microsofts Flight Simulator 2004. I am still into C4 but only to have a blow out now & again. My server will soon be back up with (to date) 79 of my maps.
I suffered a heart attack about three months ago and ended up in hospital, which is why you havent heard from me for a while. Whilst there, all my home services and utilities went by the wayside. I am now trying to re-establish everything (including the internet).
Best regards to all my buddy's in C4, and it is nice to be alive!

01-09-2011, 09:20 AM
Hey Phaser nice to hear from you again, and take care

01-11-2011, 10:21 PM
Hi Phaser:

Sorry to hear of the bad news, but It's good to hear you came out OK.

And good to see you back around!

God bless you and yours.

01-12-2011, 03:26 PM
Hey Bluetiereign!

The German Combat Helicopter Squadron °United Fighting Spirits° Regiment - 326 have a Webseide and Forumside here is the Link:

http://falcito.de (http://falcito.de/)

http://falcito.proboards.com (http://falcito.proboards.com/)

Have a nice Day :-)

01-12-2011, 09:30 PM
Hi Phaser:

Sorry to hear of the bad news, but It's good to hear you came out OK.

And good to see you back around!

God bless you and yours.

Thank you Hot Shot for waking me up.

I'll second that Phaser. Hope you are doing well and keep improving.

Hey Bluetiereign!

The German Comanche 4 and DCS Black Shark Ka-50 Combat Helicopter Squadron °United Fighting Spirits° Regiment - 326 have only a Forumside here is the Link:


Have a nice Day :-)

Thank you Falcito. I'll work on what I have added this weekend.

01-16-2011, 10:32 AM
Will not be anything done this weekend - my apologies. Main Computer has crashed. Backup does not have any of what I need. Sorry.

02-10-2011, 11:03 PM
Witch one are we going with or both??

02-12-2011, 04:05 PM
They are one and the same. :) Reaper has taken the bull by the horns.

02-13-2011, 02:10 AM
OK you can count on my help and support

Panther FUN
02-16-2011, 05:39 PM
Hi all been about 5 years and played for about 5 years as well. I last played C4 and was under = FUN = squad and left about the time Joggl did. Tried to log in to their forum but was unsuccessful lol. My dad was C@T and played for about the same time as me, times change and people move on I guess nice to read some of the posts about the history of C4. I still remember a lot of the old players, I remember reaper from playing the game but never spoke. Would be nice to hear if anyone else remember my tag and would be good to see how people are :)

Thanks P@NTHER = FUN =

02-17-2011, 12:30 AM
Hello Panther, yes I remember you and Cat, been a while now, glad to see you stopped in. If you could make up a list of the pilots that where in =FUN= and send them to Reaper it will help. Also any other info you have on the FUN Squad. If you or some one else from the FUN Squad could work on a history page for your squad it would sure help too. Reaper is doing all the work, getting it all togather, but he needs info from all the squads. Hope to see you around more often. Welcome back.

Panther FUN
02-18-2011, 08:10 AM
Okay no worries I can get some information together in the next few weeks :)

02-23-2011, 04:57 PM
Getting there, did not think it was going to take that video but it did after about 1hr., works great, thanks BTR and Reaper. See the squad web links, left side main page.

Inso «Ð*§*§»
07-02-2011, 12:20 PM

Hey all :xyxwave.gif:,

Blue are you still working on this? I'm certain I can dig up a copy of the original DSS site. I also have tons of 'stuff' if your missing anything from the transition or want more. I never deleted a thing!!!


:thumb: Keeping with the spirit of your original post, might be cool to have a 'fun night' no competition roll back day once a month for an hour or two.

07-02-2011, 11:02 PM
As far as I know, 'we' are still working on this. 'We' being Reaper - as he picked up the ball and started running with it. He was on the C4 scene long before I was - and was also much more active. From what I can understand, most of the research has been done and collected. I think it ended up being MUCH more than Reaper was planning on doing. Since Reaper has a firm understanding on where he was wanting to go with this, all I am doing is providing a place for it to be - and offering support where I can. I would love to see this project completed, but with -- a full time job, the fire department, 2 small girls and one heading to college... I truly understand time not being available.

The good thing is this - Reaper has managed to save a huge store of the C4 history. We know its here - and it will eventually be made available to the community. All of this having been said, I think the additional info would be most welcome. Thank you for the offer.

The 'fun night' is just fine with me. It cannot be Monday - as I usually have training on that night.

07-03-2011, 02:29 AM
Ok I guess I should do an update. What no knows exept for Blue is aware of is much of what I had planned is completed (lets call it stage 1) and has been uploaded already. However not everything I want to publish is finished. I asked Blue not to link to the pages or take Legacy live untill I was ready and I am not ready yet.

Hello Inso, Good to hear from you again, as far as I can tell I have your last version of the DSS website. I will explain what I have planned in a minute, But it would be nice is if you can do a history page of the DSS squad and place it in the squad section here. Click the DIE squad link and you can see what I did with that and you can see kind of where this is going.

I do have a question for you about terrains I always wanted to ask you, How did you create the .CPT file for the terrains you were going to release in your expantion, that is the only c4 mod stuff I have not been able to figure out.

Ok now a little about Legacy. Yes I am still working on it however as I have been very busy the last 6 months the time I spend on it has been limited. Because I know most squads will not do a history page I am creating squad dossiers myself the idea being I would like to list as many squads and there members as I can on the site. The Dossier is just a limited information page to show when the squad was active and who the members were.

I recovered game end scores from varous places that I am going to post also Red Baron let me have everything for SAI to use also.

I don't have a eta of when I will be ready to make the links of stage one available, All I can say is it's alot of work and is taking alot of time.

But here is a list of what is done and what I want to finish before I make the site available.

Player Dossier, Players Memorial, Help and Game Tech Archives, Die Squad 4X4 TDM page, NovaLogic and the Comanche Series Background, Comanche 4 Development and Release, Comanche 4 trivia challenge quiz, Game problems and the community, No Counts a community divided, C4 League History, Get Ranked History and recovered rankings, Pit Fighters One on One Ranking ladder.

Being worked on:
Squad Dossiers, game score screen shots albums, Killers Hydras ranking and tourney history.

Inso «Ð*§*§»
07-03-2011, 12:06 PM
Hi Reaper,

I will take a look at the links and work on a history page.

As for the cpt files, after culling thru a stack of notebooks and kicking the dust out of my head:stupid2: I never ever came up with a way to create them from scratch. However, using the 10d.CPT 'Dessert Terrain' and listing that in the TRN file

'polytrn_polydata 10d.cpt'

worked for all of my terrains. Loaded fine, and ran fine. No issues with color, alignment, or elevation.


07-03-2011, 06:43 PM
If they're identical to the CPT files for BHD and newer games, I'm sure someone has figured out how to create them from scratch... Try the MOD Depot or the Delta Force Reload...:



07-03-2011, 11:18 PM
No the CPT file for c4 has more data than any later game. I went as far as converting terrains from C4 to both BHD and JO, just so I could compair the CPT files to find a way to use the CPT generater from either game and convert the height map back to C4 by hand but c4 CPT includes data the other games do not.

I even contacted NovaLogic and asked them to let me have the terrain generator for C4 LOL but was told no.

The problem with using any stock C4 CPT file is the terrain doesn't blend when flying the terrain, you get a popping effect as you fly across the terrain. I use that method at times when I mod the game for my peronal use when I really want a terrain with specail attributes. In practice you could alter the height map data of a stock CPT file and it could improve performance but the work involved just isn't worth it. I just thought I would asked since I know INSO had messed with the terrains also and thought he may have created a converter back then.

07-16-2011, 10:31 AM
I have c4league and old lrs pages if you want them (don't know where or who to upload to)

wiper6 aka nakulak

07-16-2011, 04:36 PM
I have c4league and old lrs pages if you want them (don't know where or who to upload to)

wiper6 aka nakulak

Hey Wiper,
It's good the see you post again, I have cpies of the LRS, LORDS league and C4 league web sites, I sent you a privite message please check it, However I can use any c4 information you have.

07-16-2011, 10:46 PM
Nak, nice to hear from you. I know you have a lot, I got a lot from you befor but I lost that hard drive, thought it was all lost for ever. Realy glad you are here.

08-26-2011, 02:16 AM
Hi guys, I remember playing with all of you , I started the squad IND back in the day (ludd)
and ended my C4 career with the fine members of DIE. Reaper and Neomike were a couple of guys I remember playing with the most, miss doing to squad battles! Good to see you guys are still around. I wish I had the same email address so I could recover my password and log in as ludd again ha ha.

See you guys around! I'll post up some screen shots, I may even have some FRAPS stuff from scrims with LRS.
