View Full Version : Server Management (CRC4 V0.7)

06-03-2010, 03:54 PM

i have created a server management program as my first programming project. i have written it in vb6 using windows 7. i do not expect any problems on any other windows platforms.

currently it is configured to run on comanche 4 v20 only

the current features are:
1) auto health adjustment (similar to auto explode)
2) play list view with health view
3) last 40 chat messages
4) server mode swapper

i have alot of plans for improvement already. however i didnt see any kind of public server management for comanche 4 so i decided to release this one.


06-05-2010, 07:53 PM
Nice Job. We had a couple of server managers at one time, but I think the developers either pulled them from the community or put time limits on them. Thanks !

06-06-2010, 10:56 PM
i've updated the program. new chat messages just append to the end of the log, even if the round changes, you keep the log for as long as you keep the program open. this is current for version 0.8.