View Full Version : done ...

05-24-2010, 11:41 AM
i got the map at home now but ya know the game is ackting stupid
ive been playing on campagin a lot an i have
shatterd palace and shore patroll missions left but the battles for mogadisu arnt showing up
wtf is going on
also do you have to download the maps on the same computer as the game????????

05-29-2010, 07:25 PM
Yeah for one thing you shouldn't start a new thread on the same subject because people get confused as to what your talking about, try to keep it to the same thread if you can...then as far as the map goes its doesn't matter what computer you download it from it should just work on any computer. Is it a custom map? The custom map belongs in the root folder of the game in order to play at all so check to see if you have the map somewhere else as this could cause it to not show up.

:Spell Checker Completed Mission Objective: