View Full Version : requesting asistance

03-03-2010, 05:08 PM
i have been having a lot of trouble makeing convoys ship troops and equipment or for that matter making them follw a salected path
also i would like to find out how to make fastrope helicopters fastrope troops

03-03-2010, 07:49 PM
Lets make sure I understand what it is you want to do:
The game is Black hawk Down and you want to make the ai people and vehicals move ?.
If so you do it by creating a waypoint path then assigning the vehs and people to the waypoint path. Generally you use events to tell them to move ie if this event trigger takes place, the the event takes place ie ai moves along the waypoint.

You need to read the med manual on how to create the way points and events, once you do that if you still need help post again and one of us can walk you through how to do it.

Fastrope and it's been along time since I did this was done via events. typically a area trigger was used as the trigger and the event (the fastrope) was done as a animation. However, Nova may have used wac script to do it also.

03-04-2010, 10:37 AM
yes that is what ive tryed doing but the hummvees always cut the corners and lol end up travleing into and through the buildings [maby they need to save fule ha ha ha] but i wonder if i could just use an evenr triger such as dlue team tageting red team than mack ing the convoy travle at a slower speed ive gotten the ai to move but how can you set the player as a way point

03-04-2010, 10:58 AM
by the way i should say can i e mail you the map or somthing reaper i need well want the con voy to tack a path from the usheld embasy [on me custum map] to the us held airport to pick up troops [so far this has worked] than through the somali/pakistani part of town than to the slums to set up a blocking position and lay down fire consetration delta for squad 3 and 8 then the blackhawk that circles the city begins vectoring for exfill than the hummvees take off through the "mogadisu long corridore block" and the fast ropers jump out of the blackhawk above the russian embassy falling to their deaths than as planned the hostile delta force troops mont a massive assault

03-05-2010, 01:59 AM
Email to reaperdie2000@yahoo.com

Here are some tips for setting up way point lists:
make sure your waypoint number starts at 0, and make sure they are pointed exactly at the next point. Vehicals can not make sharp turns so when you add a turn set the way points in half a semi circle using 3 or more waypoints to creat the turn. Chances are either the waypoint numbers are not in exact order, they are pointed wrong or they may be to small. Send the mis file so I can look it over.