View Full Version : Odyssey Mod open beta released

12-13-2009, 05:56 PM
The beta for OD is available for download,
After a frustrating night fighting with the upload I got ahold of Blue this morning and he has let the beta be hosted here at CPD.
The file size is 323 MB.

This is a stand alone version of C4, you DO NOT need to have C4 installed to install and play the mod. The mod comes in an installer to install every thing you need to play or serve the mod. You DO NOT install OD into your stock C4 game.

The mod uses an altered game.exe, /TD has been removed, other files have been changed that let players run with another player model in public servers.

This is an open beta you can play and serve the mod, Because this is a beta I need feed back on the game play, and any bugs or errors you find.

Please post the bugs here at CPD or at the c4mod forum, include the map name where you find the problem. here is the link, and yes to post you need to register.

Also the beta uses vesion V1.0.1.15 scoring ie splash damage = no points and no crash - points. The weapons are 1 hit for stingers and hydras, stingers are faster. Version V1.0.1.20 is ready also and will be released in a few weeks once I get the mod stress tested. I don't want long burst of fast stingers fired untill I know how laggy the mod may be.

Game types supported and test maps:
DM, TDM, KOTH, TKOTH, and S&D all can be played, and have maps in the beta.
The TDM maps are in 4 X 4 team format = 4 teams can play the same map. You can play them as 2 team format also.
To serve the 4 X 4 TDM, KOTH, TKOTH and S&D the server needs to use the game config utilty in the game folder. The best way to use it is to create a short cut the the utiltyand place it on your desk top, then open it and make your selection.

The beta has not been tested by any other players than myself untill now, While it is a beta players should find the mod to be complete exept for a limited number of maps for game types other than DM.
Download here:



---> Download Here (http://www.checkpointdelta.net/Odyssey/odyessey_beta.exe) <---

12-13-2009, 08:19 PM
First - thank you Reaper for your hard work and dedication on bringing this MOD to the community. Thanks. It is appreciated.

I would like to add a very important item. You may download and use this MOD - and it may be a full install - BUT - you will have to own the game to play multiplayer. Novalogic requires that you log in to play multiplayer. The only way to do that is have a valid CD Key - and they only come from a legit version the game.

Santa AkA SoDam
12-15-2009, 07:07 PM
I downloaded and installed the MOD and it looks good.

Thank you Reaper for making the MOD and Blue for hosting the download

May I be the first to say THANK YOU!!

A small bug that came up while I was testing the S&D multiplayer missions (I don’t know the map name) but it’s the map with the enemy scuds (S&D targets) in large hangers on a floating platform and again (later) on the DM map (called TOXIC)

My game locked up and froze when I fired on the S&D targets, this appears to happen on anything that can explode!! I can fire my stingers normally (at thin air or a wall or glass) but when I try to fire upon a S&D target or anything that should explode (like a fuel tanker), the game just freezes and I have to reboot the game via a CTRL,ALT,DELETE.

Reporting bugs is what a beta is all about, I hope you can find a fix!!

Everything else appears great

12-15-2009, 08:55 PM
I will add it to the list

12-19-2009, 04:19 PM
Hi Reaper!!!

Hey man this mod looks really nice!!! I joined the server to see how the maps looked. I saw 2 of them, and I left to go around and spread the word to players.

I'm really impressed, so far.

One thing I'm wondering is will the invis bug or any other bugs we see in C4 be fixed with this mod. Even if not, it's a plus to have the mod because of the new environments.

About 5 people I know have the mod or are currently downloading it, now.

I just went to the server to fly around in the new maps for the mod and saw that the server is not up. Can you get that server up asap? We're ready to start flying and testing it, now.

Thanks a bunch for the load of work you must have done to present this mod to us!!! I really like the graphics, and especially the bilboard you have saying that the mod is done by, you, Reaper. Really nice job man!!! Now, get that server up so we can fly!!!!!!?????

Cya in the sky, bud.


12-19-2009, 04:55 PM
Keep im mind this is beta, Players have had some system dumps and other issues, Most of the bugs from the original version can not be fixed. TD was removed and there was some other changes made. At this time I am recording bugs so I can start fixing them next week, You can report problems here at CPD or at the c4mod.com forum.

Players are welcome to add imput on what they would like to see in the full version, or things they would like see changed.
The beta is using a 1 hit version 1.5 scoring ie i hit scores a kill, crashes don't count. next week I will change the mod version to version 2 to test that one, Both version are planned for release in the full version.

Servers back up

12-19-2009, 05:31 PM
Thanks for putting up the server, Reaper! And thanks for the info.

OK, I can confirm the bug that So Dam reported.

Haze and myself were flying in the Fire Base Tango map. I shot the 3 Missiles that are standing up out of the ground, and the map froze for me and Haze. So this means, I think, that if those missle are shot, the map will freeze for all players.

Haze was trying to host a server (but I was unable to join that server, perhaps not due to the mod but probably due to his modem settings), and he was flying in the same map, shot those missles and the game froze for him.

Also, Haze reports that he was in Fire Base Tango, shot at the satellite stations, and the map froze up.

I also got a sys dump when I was flying earlier with SO Dam. We had gotton to the end of one map, and the sys dump occurred while I was waiting for the next map to load. I don't know the name of the map that we finished nor the name of the map that was about to load. On a possitive note, Haze and myself had just finished flying in one map, and the next map. (Fire Base Tango) loaded without me experiencing a sys dump.

We're gonna be flying in this mod for a while, so we'll keep the reports coming if we encounter any more.

Cya around.

=BsS=HotShot formerly NCS hehe

P.S. We (BsS) have a former member of DIE in our squadron, now. His name is Wolverine with us. He was Hunter with DIE. Just thought I'd let you know. We still think highly of you, bud.

12-19-2009, 05:50 PM
If haze wants to host have him get with me and I can help him port forward his router, tell him to check the c4mod.com forum there is some info posted on the mutliplayer information that may help him. If he is trying to use a linkysys router he needs to set the pcs to.

12-19-2009, 07:45 PM
If haze wants to host have him get with me and I can help him port forward his router, tell him to check the c4mod.com forum there is some info posted on the mutliplayer information that may help him. If he is trying to use a linkysys router he needs to set the pcs to.

Thanks Reaper for the awesome mod you created.

Actually i was just hosting just to check out the mod because your server wasn't up then. We will contact you with if we planning on hosting your mod.

Anyway some bugs was reported by HotShot while we were flying. We'll report again if encountered more.

thanks again :)

12-29-2009, 12:01 PM
Well, with my last Vacation Day under way, I decided to try out the Odyssey Mod. After a few false starts trying to crank up single player (crash to desktop), I was about to put it down until I could talk to Reaper. But then I thought I would give the MP a try. Different story altogether.

TDM and DM were the only available choices. I did not see the search and destroy choices. I rather enjoyed cycling through the maps. Reaper has spread out the new items over several maps - so each map brought several new items - as well as enviroments - to the game.

There are things this mod has introduced that I think all of us wanted with the original game - and several of us tried to create by piecing together the original objects. Just a couple of them below...

The sewer tunnels are actually flyable. You won't be flying halfway in and out of the object - as you did with Nova's tunnel objects
There are cavernous closed spaces for Arena Style DM and TDM. Mothership and Glass House are a couple of nice maps.

I think much of this mod could actually compliment the stock items of Nova. However, trying to include the alien infested Space Port map objects might be stretching it. I recommend trying this mod.

As a footnote, I think I discovered why I mostly sit on the sidelines with C4 these days. I miss the days of cranking up C4 and heading into servers of 15 and 16 people battling heavy in the TDM servers. I miss cranking up the game and knowing that I'm going to see people who started playing C4 back when I did. As much as I enjoyed flying around the new maps - in the new environments with the new objects - it is lonely.

12-29-2009, 02:09 PM
The S&D and koth games are availilbe using the game type utility in the mod root folder, Well in the version 1.5 game version any way. The exe file for version 2 is fixed to list all game types from the game type menu, the 4 X 4 team games being the exeption. I have not had time to fix any of the crashing errors yet, This week I plan to reskin the lighted items, replace the rockets and look at the defitems file to try and fix the what I think may be causing the crashes.

The small number of players gaming C4 may be a problem that can only be fixed when and if Nova releases a new game. I knew the community didn't have a constaint number of players from firing up the game off and on over the last year. I am planning to hold game nights once the full version is released. The idea being to set some times when players could expect to have other players to play with.

The space items:
Since I am interested in making OD a community project, the idea of removing objects or replacing objects the community doesnt like is part of getting OD to a final version everyone would like to play. The space themed items could always be removed and placed into a small space mod later.

As far as putting original game objects back:
You can only list so many items in the items bin file before it will not let you list any more, OD being designed for multi player could leave out most of the ai items. This shouldn't be a big issue if the mod has the best of what most of us like. The next issue would be the stock items are scaled much smaller than the mod items, when mixed they would look out of place. The best option would be to get some feed back on what original content the comunity would like back and then rescale those items to match the mod, easier than it sounds. The trees in the mod are re-scaled from the original with new trunks added.

Other objects that could use some changes:
The large city buildings are scaled to big, I plan to rescale them about 1/3 smaller, I think they would fit the game better if players could fly over them easier than they can now.

Once I get OD stable and find out what is causing the dumps for sure the final version will be much easier to put together.