View Full Version : Asking Nova for another C4

06-05-2009, 05:42 AM
For those that don't follow the other games Nova releases. They just Released DFX 2 this week. So far the game looks like it will flop unlike any game I have ever seen.

Ya I bought it, I have yet to see any more than 60 players online during peak hours. There could be a bright side to this. Nova has to be in need of cash This may be the best time to get them to give us an updated version of C4.

This is a copy of a message I sent one of the Nova guys tonight followed by his responce:

Hello Wupass

I am a long Time Nova Player, have played most of the games Nova released. I know you guys will be putting most of your effert toward Angel Falls once you finish with DFX 2. I am guessing you have just about finished with this game engine.

Comanche 4 was my Fav with BHD and Joint Ops a close second, Any way you have the engine coded. It would be great If NOVA would give the Comanche 4 players another game. Even if the Raw Pha was cancelled you have the little bird and Apache from Joint Ops and DFX to replace it with. It would be cool to have Nova finish this game engine with a replacement for the first game you built on it ie C4

Any type of Helicopter combat action game would do well with the C4 players. It wouldnt take much work, you have the game assets already. Just code in better joystick control and we would be happy. Word of mouth would bring back many of former players to purchuse the game and would help bring in money to Nova. There is no heli games out there to even play other than a real sim, many players like action games and not sims. This could even help bring in some new players to Nova so they would buy the next games you release, Helping build up the community.

C4 was the game that brought me into the NOVAWORLD community. That one game was enough to get me to buy your older games DF2, Land Warrior, Armored Fist, Comanche Gold, F-22 Lightning. Then all the newer games you released after C4 including BHD and Joint Operations with there exspanstions. These games included second, third and sometimes four copies to serve games with and to have so friends could play. I was in the DFX 2 Server tonight while you were there.

If you guys don't feel it would be worth your time to do this, I understand but would Nova please release the C4 CPT terrain generater to us so we can build some new terrains. There are still players who Game C4 and we could really use it.

Thank You for your time reading this, I know your busy

My real name

aka Reaper-NCS-

I would visit the terrain building sites, they may have a exporter for terrains already. Never know when a new C4 game could pop around the corner, time will tell.

The point is,
It's been over 8 years since they released C4, Nova is strapped for cash. They are using a new Game engine for Angel Falls do out next year. Most of the game assets they would need to put out a heli air combat game are in the last 3 games they released.

This may be the best time to make some noise to get Nova to replace C4.
My opinion any way. If the rest of the community feels the same way start posting and sending messages at NOVAWORLD to Nova make enough noise and we may get some where

06-05-2009, 06:48 AM
Good Idea ! Are you sending these via IM on the forums or thru email ?

06-05-2009, 10:10 AM
Good Idea ! Are you sending these via IM on the forums or thru email ?

this was a im how ever I am thinking a major campain is needed with email sent along with a petition started on the nova forums.

I am kind of waiting for some of the squads to read this and respond. If this is something enough of us want, we can organize it including many of us contacting former players who no longer visit here or at Nova and make a major push at Nova, all of us at once

Once enough players are behind this we will need to go in as one voice tell Nova what we want in the game, with out asking for the moon and see where it takes us.

As a side note I know I have bad mothed Nova as much as anyone when I was angry over the way they treated the community at times. The truth is the way DFX 2 is tanking is a really bad sign. Even when they keep porting the same items on an old game engine, have some super crappy pr, little support for the games, any one who is a true fan of playing the games doesn't want to see Nova go under. After all there is a reason many of us play an 8 year old game.

06-05-2009, 11:17 AM
Get me that terrain generator and i'll make you some wicked terrains.Can't fly worth a dam but i'd make ya some decent maps/terrains.

06-05-2009, 05:29 PM
Let us know what we have to do and when........this could be the beginning of another 8 years of the best game out there!!:thumb:

06-05-2009, 06:24 PM
What would be really cool is having the updated engine... even if it was just the Black Hawk Version.

You know why ? Tunnels...

06-05-2009, 06:53 PM
That would be sweet.They would have to scale them up a bit for choppers but would be awesome. If the AI could use them to ambush and retreat not to mention the pilots in the game.

06-05-2009, 06:54 PM
What would be really cool is having the updated engine... even if it was just the Black Hawk Version.

You know why ? Tunnels...
LOL im thinking more along the lines of the Jo/DFX enhancements so we get:
# True COOP and single player mission building with .wac support
# murky water
# terrain texture mapping
# weather (rain and snow)
# Mod tools
# and tunnles

The coolest part would be a large community to play with again, and even on this taxed out game engine we could keep the game alive for years with new items, maps, missions, I have messed with C4 terrains for years but with out a terrain creator to build the .CPT file they just don't render good enough to put out. Neither do the converted ones from other games.

06-06-2009, 12:31 AM
Been waiting for another decent helicopter game to come along. Would love to see something along the lines of a Comanche 5 or facsimaly.

06-06-2009, 12:52 AM
If theres a petition someplace let me know where to sign. I would love to see a new Comanche game. Although since the goverment scraped the comanche project maybe it would be downgraded to the AH64 Apache. If so, I could live with that.

Santa AkA SoDam
06-06-2009, 11:39 AM
This gets my vote for sure!!
Where do I sign?

Ill repeat what reaper has already said because it’s so true.

There are only flight Sims out there and no action shoot them ups like C4 that’s one of the reasons its lasted so long!

A good businessman fill holes in the market, that’s what makes his business a success.

There are to many run around FPS on the market these days.
Why even try to compete with them??

What is needed is a new direction and Nova is already half way there.
It was a mistake to stop travelling along the road of helicopter action games.

Its time to get back to what Nova do best!

Before it becomes to late!!

06-07-2009, 07:55 AM
I'm all for a updated version of Comanche 4 :spin:

06-07-2009, 10:42 AM
Hi Reaper and all:

I am for a new C4 type of game, too!

Reaper, lead the way. If there is a forum or email we can send to possibly motivate Nova for a new or updated C4 type of game. please let me know!

My email is thomasabarnes(at)yahoo(dot)com.:thumb:

06-07-2009, 11:49 AM
OK I am going to start a new thread so we can start putting a plan together called The Next C4.