View Full Version : A New Squad....

05-27-2009, 11:57 AM
Hi Guys.:thumb:
I have decided to try to start a new Squad called =CIA= because the Comanche 4 =FUN= Squad is dead in all but name, people will say that its not, but there has been no activity for quite a while now. In fact the last communication was an insult and dated 2 March 2009 otherwise its all birthday greetings.....:sleeping.gif:
(Comanche Independent Alliance)
comanche-independent-alliance.co.uk/default.aspx (http://comanche-independent-alliance.co.uk/default.aspx)>
I am formally asking for anyone interested to at least take a look, although, the website is still under construction and I need to add quite a bit to it including a Forum Link. If you or someone you know is interested in joining, let me know by e-mail please <D845@sky.com> I also need some ideas for the site and maybe someone who's interested in joining, to help me Moderate the site, it could lead to something incredible. My '=FUN= 24/7 Server' is still operational, but I will probably change the name to (Can You Guess?)

Santa AkA SoDam
05-28-2009, 07:32 PM
Well done Phaser!!

As soon as you get 4 players in your new squad, how about we arrange a match?

I found that there is nothing like a match to re-kindle old passions for the game!!

Ill try to help out on you website if you hit a wall.

Hope to kill you soon

Dark Warrior
05-30-2009, 04:33 AM
Nice new :thumb: