View Full Version : Comanche 4 cheats

12-24-2002, 06:00 PM
Was wondering if anyone knew how to run the God Mode cheat. I have been running C4 in single player mode. Changed my name to super heli and still get shot down. I even tried the "hit R" in game and type in a code like "imarat" and it doesn't work. Tell me how to make the cheat codes work. Thanks!

12-24-2002, 11:41 PM
Honestly I don't believe there are any real cheats to C4 that we know of and truthfully do not frown on posting any such cheats if there were any. Sorry.:cool:

It seems like I do recall the cheats your describing to work in Comanche 3.

[Edited on 12-25-2002 by Charger]

12-25-2002, 02:26 AM
other than "wolfblitz" i don't know of any other cheat codes. i never spent much time on the sp maps.

you might try some of the other c4 sites on the links page.

12-28-2002, 04:17 AM
Theres an ammo trainer, The file says it does not work for xp, or for muliplayer you can find it on some of the cheat web sites. just do a serch for trainers.

12-28-2002, 05:13 AM
"trainer" is a bad word on this site. a "trainer" alters game memory to munipulate the game. unlike a cheat code for single player, a "trainer" when used in multiplayer gaming cause lag for other players & can be used to create an unfair advantage.

don't be surprised if a post referencing "trainer" is delt with harshly here, or even deleted altogether.

12-28-2002, 09:00 AM
Hey thanks. Yep, tried the trainer many times and it works fine. I have win98, GeForce4 w/64M and 1.3G processor and 512M memory. Game still runs choppy as hell. Anything I can do to make it run smooth? Especially when I am getting shot a million times..LOL! Turned all the effects to low resolution.

12-29-2002, 01:13 AM
Try shutting down any programs running in the background that you don't absoulutley need running.:ar15:

[Edited on 3-9-2003 by Charger]

12-29-2002, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Reaper
Theres an ammo trainer, The file says it does not work for xp, or for muliplayer you can find it on some of the cheat web sites. just do a serch for trainers.

We do not allow discussion of cheats and trainers on this site. Please, refrain from posting such material in the future.

12-30-2002, 06:55 AM
it sounds like a lag problem rather than your computer not being able to run, and if U do have cable , make sure you have destroyed the previous detenator drivers when u install new ones , That caused me no end of trouble with z buffers and antialiasing

12-30-2002, 12:39 PM
I have no clue as to what you're talking about with detonators and such. I'm not playing over the net..just here at home. Is there some sort of configuration file that needs to be tweaked or deleted? Let me know..thanks.

12-30-2002, 09:29 PM
What he means by detonator refers to Nvidia Graphic's card drivers.

In many cases graphic drivers can cause you some screen lag, but I’m sure your drivers are updated and I realize you may not have Nvidia GeForce or equivalent but you might take into consideration your graphic card drivers and memory it uses. As I said before it’s possible to shut down any background program by pressing Crtl-Alt-Del once to bring up program list of the programs running at the present time.

One’s you do not want to close is Systray and Explorer. Figure out which ones you don’t need and close them. If you’re off line then virus programs can safely be shut down.

12-31-2002, 03:33 AM
Why cheat ? If you can't beat the game without cheating don't play. Ugh !

12-31-2002, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by NDFAN
Hey thanks. Yep, tried the trainer many times and it works fine. I have win98, GeForce4 w/64M and 1.3G processor and 512M memory.

You must be using NVidia reference drivers , u r using a GF4 card

If you dont play online then try reducing video detail or turn shaders off in the c4.cfg file , open with a notpad and find
disable_shaders = 0 and change to a 1.
U didnt say what type of GF4 u have , im assuming its a MX , otherwise you wouldnt have a problem running anything.

if you only have a small amount of system resources then shutting down background apps will help , but i have heaps running and can still play c4 with everything on high , with a less powerfull comp than yours.

Is it just C4 you have probs with or other Dx8 games , if you dont have dx8.1 , get it , and if u do , it might be time to do a system recovery and reinstall DX8.1 or even a fresh install (always the very last resort) If C4 is the only Dx8 game u run then u might not notice a prob with the Dx7 games , C4 uses Dx8 heavily , Try checking files in Dx diagnostic tool and check display to see if the DX8 surfices rotate smoothly.

Good luck

1st Lt. Shadow <<SAS>>
Assassin Wing
Secret Attack Squadron

[Edited on 1-1-2003 by Shadow<<SAS>>]

02-08-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Charger

We do not allow discussion of cheats and trainers on this site. Please, refrain from posting such material in the future.

Hey, this is my 1st post here. Great board! (good game too). But seriously, if the only "cheat" is a trick to open up the later missions, then why even bother to comment. It is apparent that it is not possible to "cheat" in C4. Some of the missions are wicked difficult (flytrap!) and I found the Wolfblitz "cheat" a big help. (after at least a dozen tries, I still haven't beaten that one.)

02-08-2003, 09:48 PM
Yes, some of the missions are difficult but with some patients and skill (or a lotta luck) they can be beat. It's true that Nova seems to have made some of these missions almost impossible to beat. If cheats are accessible for the game, then it's just that this site isn't in the click for sharing information on cheats or trainers and it's something we need to express from time to time. C4 is an excellent game and gives you the advantage of designing your own missions incase their's become unbarable hard to beat...well in the meantime welcome to checkpointdelta.:cool:

02-09-2003, 08:59 AM
Thanks. I really like this board. I peruse most of the major ones (simhq, F4 etc.) but I like the set up here. I plan on visiting here often. As for having to use the wolfblitz, I think NL should've done what they did in Crimson Skies, that is.. if after ten tries you can't get past a certain mission, it gives you the option of bypassing and going on. But I like the fact that there are no real cheats, no invincibility, super weapons etc.


Rednack Cowboy2
03-08-2003, 08:37 AM
I am a game developer. Me and my compadres are just about to release one of the most graphically intense and realistic Helicopter flight simulators ever.

System Requirments :

Pentium 1000 or equivelant
512 Meg of RAM
GeForce 4 or faster Video card.
CDR/W drive

But while perusing thisi very forum a while back, we were struck with an idea.

Since some of the die-hard sim fans believe that a GAME should be so realistic, that they mock and insult others about the use of cheats and/ or trainers, we thought of a novel idea for such hard-core sim fans.

You buy our game for 29.00. The game must be played in a CDR/W for the most realistic experience ever.

The first time you die, you must rebuy the game.
Now we do offer a discount for continued purchases, but we feel that this new addition to the game will only add to the realism and spirit of REAL LIFE Simulation experience.

For those less demanding, the game can be played from a regular CD ROM, but of course you cant call yourself a true flight sim pilot can you,.

Give us a break people. Now if someone is using a trainer to cheat against others in online play, then that is WRONG, But for some of you to act as though you are into the absolute most realistic enviroment that you have the right to look down upon and actually insult those that choose to use such aids when they are just learning, God how anal retentive can you be..

What I do, on my computer at home is my business. If I choose to use cheat codes and such, what business is it of yours. One more thing, if cheat codes are SO Wrong, why do developers include them in games. It isnt like there was some mysterious mistake made that someone discovered and uses.

If you are by chance interested in a "Die One Time Buy A New Game" game, I am sure that some company will be glad to oblige.

One more thing, before you start going nuts and emailing the hell out of me, I created the YAHOO account just for this occarion.

Thank YOU for your time.

03-08-2003, 11:13 AM
Finally, someone telling it like it really is. But you know, the real idiots who it is inteded for, won't get it or be intelligent enough to understand what you said. Take care!

03-08-2003, 12:35 PM
What a well thought, articulate post Rednack. Your folks must be so proud of your ability to express yourself.

Unfortunately, I'm an idiot, & I'm just not intelligent enough to understand a word you said. Nor do I see the point you were trying to make.

Nonetheless, welcome to the boards, and have a great day :)

03-08-2003, 04:53 PM
rednack, you are an idiot. i'd go on to prove this point, but you did a good enough job in your posting. hell, ya can't even spell redneck right==or do you just have a knack for red ?== in addition to being without originality ==thus the #2 on your name==or does that #2 refer to the rotting smell you carry in your head coming from your doo-doo for brains ?

the game is 14.95 now with endless lives. the **** game isn't like learning to ride a bike== you don't skin your knees or bang your head. you start over.

you are right , what you do on your computer is your business. asking you not to post it here is their business. dimwit.

oh, yeah.. welcome to the forums.

03-08-2003, 05:33 PM

Though your acerbic attitude might be refreshing to some, your addition to this thread is approaching the status of 'flaming'. Please refrain from name calling in the future or your post will be removed.


03-08-2003, 08:16 PM
Gezz...whats with you guys, I understoode ever thing he said..right down to the what'a'ya'ma'call'it about the thing'a'ma'bob and the pay as you play part...I think.

Welcome RednAck! :cool:

[Edited on 3-9-2003 by Charger]

03-08-2003, 08:22 PM
CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG............... :icon_beer.gif:

03-09-2003, 03:43 PM
Red Finally a flamer with style. funny 1. Any time there is something asking about a cheat posted some people are gonna be up set, understandable, But this comunity is good people, And for the most part you see very little profanity, or the hard responce you will find else where. And remember what steps to keep the game fair here came from the gaming comunity not nova or any where else.:ar15:

03-09-2003, 04:39 PM
Why bother looking for cheat codes when you can edit the impossible mission to match your ability? (Like in Flytrap, you could reduce 25% of drones, it's still tough to win, but not impossible)

Now this is cheating! I know :P But I think taylor the game to match your ability and make the game more enjoyable, not frustrating, is a good thing. (It sure beats using Wolfblitz, which bypass the mission entirely)

By the same method, you could make an easy mission tougher by adding more enemies etc.. :baddevil: Why not? That's what the c4medc.exe is for :dance:

03-09-2003, 10:48 PM
I agree with you NT about useing the editor for an advantage. I don't think it's cheating if your doing this on your own computer at home...

I allways believe that pulling the missions apart in the editor is the greatist way for a person to get a better understanding of how the editor works and how to manuipulate the events. The truth is, the events is what really makes the game move no matter how many tanks, truck, drones or whatever you add to your mission. If you can work the events to your advantage you can allways come up with something interesting and fun to play.

The only problem I see and I'm not directing this at you NT thats for sure but maybe giving a little heads up to others who may end up replying to this ever lasting conversation that sharing cheats on a site where alot of us take a hard respect in playing these games just isn't acceptable anymore. We just don't want to be bothered with the sharing of information such as cheats and trainers.

I find the drone mission very hard and have yet to beat it...but then again I just don't play that one anymore...maybe someday.:cool2:

it's not my fault my spell checker doesn't spell the right words!