View Full Version : C4 Error Codes

01-29-2009, 03:13 PM
Do any of you have a list of C4 Error codes? The one's you get when the game is AFU..before you ever get into the servers... I know I've had Error Code 17, which is the Bad-Disk code, but Java is getting Error Code 4, and I can't remember what that one is..
If we could (all) write down the error codes we've had or heard about, we could make a list line for everyone to use.. But for the short term.. if you know what E.C. 4 is, let me know.


01-29-2009, 05:22 PM
I'm getting the same error code Rotor, I can't get a list of the servers.

01-29-2009, 06:31 PM
I'm getting the same error code Rotor, I can't get a list of the servers.

Try updating your startup.htm Have a look on page one of this thread. http://checkpointdelta.net/showthread.php?t=4738

Santa AkA SoDam
01-29-2009, 07:55 PM
Im getting that too!!

Can anyone get into C4?

Im guessing that nova server is down again because i have made no changes and all worked fine last time i used it..........

we might have to use the join by IP as an option......

01-29-2009, 08:00 PM
I got home and found that I have it too.. I guess it's another NOVA experiment with the start up or maybe their connection/server is off?
We'll have to wait and see.. I have the phone number to one of their program support guys.. I'll let you know what I find out.

01-29-2009, 10:19 PM
On line 65 of the startup.htm we wrote in that thread a few months ago... change C4_2_main.htm to C4_2_lobby.htm.


01-29-2009, 11:17 PM
The HTML line entry is not the cause this time.. I have the info from the last time we went thru this and have been using the new data you list in your note... I still cannot get in.. and have not heard from anyone who can get in?
I put in a NOVA trouble ticket and sent an email to the guy in program support that I have talked to before.. when we had this issue in 06-07.. Waiting for a response..

01-29-2009, 11:39 PM
I went right in Rotor... I might have been the only one in there... but with that change, I went right in.

All servers are running - except CFS.

But then again, I logged in first with the original htm. After logging in, I was able to use the other one.

01-29-2009, 11:46 PM
"http://nw4.novaworld.net/c4_2_lobby.htm" is what is in mine.. I cannot get in.. Email me
flycfs@hotmail.com (flycfs@hotmail.com)
a copy of your startup
and Ill try it

01-29-2009, 11:53 PM
I think it has to do with logging in. Here is the other startup.htm after logging in with the original. I'm in, and can join.

However, after some time passes, I also get the error 4.

01-30-2009, 01:47 AM
Folks, I don't wanna be a "logic chopper" but isn't it rather an error code -4 (e.g. hex FFFFFFFC) ?! :smug:

01-30-2009, 07:58 AM
Here is the startup.htm I get when I'm logged in. Don't know if this helps.

Black Dog
01-30-2009, 05:39 PM
Still No luck, getting error code -4.
Could it be the startup bypass?
You hear anything from Novaworld yet Rotor?
I need to Fly .... lol :alcoholic.gif:

01-30-2009, 05:39 PM
Well, I got home and tried that one... it didn't work. I logged in with the Original one - I'm in.

The are making us log in to play, as best as I can tell.

01-30-2009, 05:43 PM
Hi all Buddys!

I have make a new Startup.htm "(Falcito Startup.htm)" for the Problem with Joining!

NovaWord have switch last days a many Data on your Main Server!

Please visit my Forum Side from the °UFS° Squadron!

I try make a Link here too to my .zip Folder.
In this Folder is two Startup.htm!

1. First Part you must take the "(Original Startup.htm)" and change withe Starup.htm in your Main Folder NovaLogic/Comanche 4.
Next you must Join with the Accound Name and Accound Password in NovaWorld.

2. Secound Part is you must again change the Startup.htm with the secound "(Falcito Startup.htm)" in your Main NovaLogic/Comanche 4 Folder!

Now is the Problem away and you can join over Bypass!

My Link to my Forum °UFS° Squadron:

My Link to my the .zip Data:

Hope i can help all Buddys
C U in the Sky bye bye
Commander Chief
Falcito °UFS°

Black Dog
01-30-2009, 06:18 PM
I do not have the original CD with the code to register with Novaworld.
I had 4 CD's at one time, but gave them all to friends to try to get them to fly.

If anyone finds a way around the startup ket me know.
<KA7>Warrior aka Black-Dog
comanche4@comcast.net :grrr:

01-30-2009, 06:44 PM
Nope no word from Nova.. I called the support line and got a recording.. I'm searching for another number to call now.. Seems that some are getting in and others are not.. As you can see from the posts, it's hit or miss, and no clear answer... BT got in, but we cannot using the very same process.. Java's been trying all day..More to folllow...

01-30-2009, 06:51 PM
I just tried what Falcito said and it worked. Logged in first and then used his startup file.

When you replace the original startup with Falcitos, does it not just overwrite anything that is already in the original? If that's the case, then why wouldn't Falcito's file work without logging in first?

01-30-2009, 07:05 PM
Crazzy.. I cut out the V2 exe, and the start bypass, did an update.. It asked for the Cd so I played along and logged in and went to the game... and it failed Error Code4...
Next, I replaced the V2, and Startup as Falcito said and am in the game.. Is that crazy or what? I have no clue what changed, or what fixed it. All I know is that right now it works... and I'm going in..
See ya there

01-30-2009, 07:27 PM
Well. You can use your old startup.htm bypass after you log in. But tomorrow or later tonight - I'd be willing to bet you will be logging in again.

I've been playing with this for two days - and I'm about positive they are caching our sessions - and you will time out after activity. Even Falcito's quit working for me after being off a couple of hours.

01-30-2009, 08:37 PM
You were correct BT..I went in and flew part of one map, quit for dinner and now have Code 4 again.. I did notice one thing in all of this, that we hadn't looked at as the cause... That Command Script file was not working before I did the update. Maybe there's failure there as well?

01-30-2009, 08:48 PM
Everyone needs to submit a Support Ticket thru Nova Supporthttp://www.novalogic.com/support.asp# Use the Contact Technical Support link at the bottom and give them hell...

If all of us do this they may get the hint that there are still many who fly C4..

01-30-2009, 08:59 PM
Already Done M8

01-30-2009, 09:38 PM
Do any of you have a list of C4 Error codes? The one's you get when the game is AFU..before you ever get into the servers... I know I've had Error Code 17, which is the Bad-Disk code, but Java is getting Error Code 4, and I can't remember what that one is..
If we could (all) write down the error codes we've had or heard about, we could make a list line for everyone to use.. But for the short term.. if you know what E.C. 4 is, let me know.


Same here error code is 4 when trying to get a list of servers. :brutal173.gif:

01-30-2009, 09:51 PM
Tried to complain to tech support but every time it gets to where they need to collect information about my pc, nothing comes up giving me the option to click on yes.......

01-30-2009, 10:01 PM
Hey Falcito, are you the one running the UFS Server?? I tried going in and it said the Host was not allowing me to join the server??

To update this, I tried about 5 or 6 different times to join the server and it said the same thing. I then replaced the original startup with Falcito's and was able to join the server after that...... Weird

01-30-2009, 11:40 PM
I got home and found that I have it too.. I guess it's another NOVA experiment with the start up or maybe their connection/server is off?
We'll have to wait and see.. I have the phone number to one of their program support guys.. I'll let you know what I find out.

I can't get on either but there are users playing on my server. Is their another way of getting a server list :comeandgetsome.gif:

01-30-2009, 11:43 PM
I just read Falcito's post and it makes sense, but what if I forgot my login name and pw?


01-31-2009, 06:38 AM
It is a lockout if you forget your details! I re-registered under my Phaser name with the =FUN= tags because I had forgotten my original details, but it asked for my Disc Key Number, which I entered but it kept telling me that that Disc Key was registered to another member and that the Key was not transferable, so in the end I registered under my Real Name and reinstalled my Original v1.0.0.12 Disc then did the updates, now I can get in, but I have to log on every time.
This a bit of a Pi$$ O££ because, when making maps I am in & out of the Play & Serve game about 10 times a minute, now I have to log on everytime, bloody frustrating!!
I think Nova are commiting c4 suicide here!

01-31-2009, 09:54 AM
I just read Falcito's post and it makes sense, but what if I forgot my login name and pw?


When the login screen comes up there is a place to click if you forgot your login name. (although when I clicked it, it never did send me an email)

01-31-2009, 10:16 AM
Hi all!

I make no BAN on my °UFS° Server!
The problem that the Server at the moment not allowing the joining for many many Member is alone the chit new Codes on the NovaWorld :brutal173.gif: Main Server!
We must all seach a new way for comming into the Comanche 4 Game without Account Name and Accound Password!

I have moment no way for yours, i think NovaWord use now a code that now constantly changes.
Therefore none functions all Startup.htm without the original Startup.htm

Falcito °UFS°

Dark Warrior
01-31-2009, 10:25 AM
The problem is : with login and password, the gamer name is not visible and your server refuses the connection.

but with a startup by pass after running the original, it's good for the name.
this is crap

01-31-2009, 01:12 PM
Java, try going to www.novaworld2.com and try to recover your forgotten login name and password.

Dark Warrior, try retyping your Pilot Name. That worked for me when mine was invisible.

Dark Warrior
01-31-2009, 02:19 PM
Thx I try :thumb:

01-31-2009, 04:12 PM
Ok, I got into the game, but have the problem of having a no-name pilot now. The problem with this is that servers like EFA ban no-name pilots. I need to figure a way to get my name in there (even though it list a current pilot on main page). I'll try renaming my pilot to see if that works and will keep you posted.


01-31-2009, 04:50 PM
I have been doing some different things and reading all your notes and the replies on CPD..
The best I have found (that works) is to go in and remove the V2 Update (C4EXE), the IBROWSE and the Start. Do a complete update, then replace the stock C4EXE and the Ibrowse.. DO NOT STICK the START back in... Start the game and go thru the log in.. You'll need to create an account... It doesn't hurt... much..
Once you get past the log-in, it will take you to the page with all the other BS on it.. At the top you will see "Game Servers" click it and you are in.. You will notice right off the bat that the PINGS are way high.. Everyime I enter they are about 60 higher than normal for all of them, even those that I used to 60's on... EFA is in the 200's
I tried editing the Start with different commmands, based on what I saw going thru the BS above.. and couldn't get it to work.. I think for now, this is the best we can expect to have and still fly...
The other issue is that not being able to join any EFA server? They are not showing as PW, and I know they have a match today.. but it tells me that the server cannot let me join... instead of asking for a PW.. Strange...

Try this out... at least you can get your C4 fix for today.. LOL

01-31-2009, 05:53 PM
Hi all Buddys!

I have make a new Startup.htm "(Falcito Startup.htm)" for the Problem with Joining!

NovaWord have switch last days a many Data on your Main Server!

Please visit my Forum Side from the °UFS° Squadron!

I try make a Link here too to my .zip Folder.
In this Folder is two Startup.htm!

1. First Part you must take the "(Original Startup.htm)" and change withe Starup.htm in your Main Folder NovaLogic/Comanche 4.
Next you must Join with the Accound Name and Accound Password in NovaWorld.

2. Secound Part is you must again change the Startup.htm with the secound "(Falcito Startup.htm)" in your Main NovaLogic/Comanche 4 Folder!

Now is the Problem away and you can join over Bypass!

My Link to my Forum °UFS° Squadron:

My Link to my the .zip Data:

Hope i can help all Buddys
C U in the Sky bye bye
Commander Chief
Falcito °UFS°

WORKED only works once then when leave the game and come back you have to do the file switching thing again. Also if your in the game after about 30 minutes you get the error when you refresh the server list. Wierd I wish novalogic would spend a little time supporting this game since that would reflect well on their current games. :waving.gif:

01-31-2009, 08:02 PM
Sorry Falcito.. but Thanks for Trying..
I tried the Falcito fix, it doesnt work for me. I tried a couple of times and still get code 4.
Only working link for us is to sign in as I described above. That one... is working.. but your name gets scrubbed and I can't figure out why. Player Sav file shows that they are there, the game shows them, but the game K key does not.. Just a number..

01-31-2009, 11:57 PM
Well I tried your example and it worked great. :agree.gif: Unfortunately when I returned the game a couple of hours later I received an error 3 again so I had to do your example all over again. Also if you log in using the orginal novaworld script when you enter a server you don't have a player name just a number. :waving.gif:

02-01-2009, 12:06 AM
As far as the IBrowse.dll is concerned & the fact you are getting higher pings, try closing your firewall. some time ago I had to replace the IBrowse.dll and found that if I switched off my firewall the pings went back to normal. In the end I changed my firewall from the nForce one to Norton, and that resolved the issue totally.

02-01-2009, 01:48 AM
Hey Falcito, are you the one running the UFS Server?? I tried going in and it said the Host was not allowing me to join the server??

To update this, I tried about 5 or 6 different times to join the server and it said the same thing. I then replaced the original startup with Falcito's and was able to join the server after that...... Weird

That because joining with the novaworld's startup it gives you a # instead of name and usf server doesn't allow that. Some thing I would like to learn to do with my sever. Also Falcito's startup is fine so long as you don't click on ping or reload, do that and you get an error 4. :brutal173.gif:

02-01-2009, 10:18 AM
If you install it the way I listed, you will not have a problem with refreshing the PINGS, or leaving and coming back. I have been in since yesterday, I can come and go as I please, can refresh as I wish and looking at it today...all the pings are back down. Ya just gotta get used to loggin in. The Big issue now is the name thing.. I tried doing what Knuckles said by deleting and reentering the name.. but I was still a number, and of course, unable to get into the servers that block pilots with no name... If we can figure that out.. we'll have our game back..

02-01-2009, 11:23 AM
I've been reading this thread and am a bit confused on the problem....mainly because I havent had any!!!...hehe.......I dont use any bypasses at all ( ie. nocd, login) I just go in through the game menu and sign in using my usual Nova name and password....

so is this the problem..using different start ups or trying to bypass the login??
or am I just being a stupid american and adding my thoughts where their not needed hehe!

02-01-2009, 11:28 AM
From what I've noticed, if you install your game, do not update it, do not update your IBROWES.DLL, you should be able to login and join servers with your name visible. When i updated my Ibrowes.dll, my name disappeared.

02-01-2009, 11:47 AM
This is for anyone has an updated game/ibrowes.dll , here is another way to get your name to show. Having the updated Ibrowes.dll is a must for this to work.

Make backups of your Startup.htm!
Download and extract these 2 files to your C4 folder.
Start your game Login To Novaworld and pull up the server list but do not join any of the servers.
Exit your game, then restart it.
Choose Enter Novaworld Lobby.
Join a server.

Im starting to really hate this game... :alcoholic.gif:

02-01-2009, 12:09 PM
Roger on Knuckles' Advice...
I removed the new (2003) IBROWSE, and did an update on the game (5th time this week LOL) to get the old Ibrouwse (2002). I then replaced the EXE with the V2 Fixed EXE, and left the Nova Startup in place. I logged in and went to the servers with my name and tags on.. Woo hoo.. Now I can see who I'm killin LOL:comeandgetsome.gif:

Dark Warrior
02-01-2009, 12:15 PM
-I have ré-installed the game (without uninstall before)
-I have updated the game
-And i have replaced the C4.exe by the 1.20 version

Now, I can go on the servers(with login and password) and my name appears ... on the servers EFA ; UFS and FUN also.

Santa AkA SoDam
02-01-2009, 01:44 PM
What worked for me............

I used the player manager to change the start up HTM back to the orignal HTM (thats HTM No1 where you have to log in), then i started the game normaly and logged in to my old account at nova, i retrived my old user name and password from here www.novaworld2.com

Then the game worked ok for me, and my name showed up ok and i did not get punted after 30 mins!!

Santa AkA SoDam
02-02-2009, 09:24 PM
I have a theroy about whats going on with novaworld.

I think that they want to see how many people still use C4 by making us log in, mabey they are thinking about closing down C4 I dont know it's just a theroy...

I would recommend getting "Player manager" It makes messing arround with the HTM's alot eaiser, its the 5th item in this list.


I can imagine novaworld doing something like this every 2 or 3 months or so!!

02-02-2009, 09:52 PM
I have a theroy about whats going on with novaworld.

I think that they want to see how many people still use C4 by making us log in, mabey they are thinking about closing down C4 I dont know it's just a theroy...

I would recommend getting "Player manager" It makes messing arround with the HTM's alot eaiser, its the 5th item in this list.


I can imagine novaworld doing something like this every 2 or 3 months or so!!

I have a different theory. I think they are shedding the servers of software pirates for a game for which they are only asking $20.00 - while making it easier for themselves to find cheaters.

Dark Warrior
02-03-2009, 12:37 PM
I have a different theory. I think they are shedding the servers of software pirates for a game for which they are only asking $20.00 - while making it easier for themselves to find cheaters.

i'm ok with you Blue , especially since in France it is a 5 € second hand, no interest in hacking.

02-03-2009, 06:35 PM
I think it is a conspiracy to get us to buy Comanche 5! Oh, wait a minute, there is no Comanche 5.....:ermm:

02-07-2009, 07:04 PM
I've been thinking (I Know, it hurts!) but why have Nova done this, is it to monitor Comanche 4, or is it to secure it, or is it to stop the hacking?
It doesn't really make sense! Nova seemed to have no interest in this game apart from letting it run on their servers. They have left it up to the c4 community for quite a while now, and we were doing fine until they stuck their noses back in. I know its their baby but all they have managed to do is aggravate the situation.
As far as 'logging on' is concerned, it it OK for me as I just go thru the process of the log on, I still use the 'NoCD' patch, but the log process is just a pain. It does, however, make me want to stay longer on the servers because if I take a break, then I have to go thru the log process again.
It would be a good idea if we had a community representative to address these questions to Nova, someone who could communicate with a chief of the tribe, in private, and report back to the community, even if it's just to find out what they are up to. Then, maybe we could make the modifications ligitimately, with their permission.

Dark Warrior
02-07-2009, 07:16 PM
I think that this game is on a server that hosts other recent games
and that the registration is for everybody

Santa AkA SoDam
02-09-2009, 12:27 AM
It would be a good idea if we had a community representative to address these questions to Nova, someone who could communicate with a chief of the tribe, in private, and report back to the community, even if it's just to find out what they are up to. Then, maybe we could make the modifications ligitimately, with their permission.

R6 gets my vote for liaison officer he is already doing a grand job

02-18-2009, 01:04 AM
So where are we with all of this ?

03-04-2009, 07:22 PM
I've been thinking (I Know, it hurts!) but why have Nova done this, is it to monitor Comanche 4, or is it to secure it, or is it to stop the hacking?
It doesn't really make sense! Nova seemed to have no interest in this game apart from letting it run on their servers. They have left it up to the c4 community for quite a while now, and we were doing fine until they stuck their noses back in. I know its their baby but all they have managed to do is aggravate the situation.
As far as 'logging on' is concerned, it it OK for me as I just go thru the process of the log on, I still use the 'NoCD' patch, but the log process is just a pain. It does, however, make me want to stay longer on the servers because if I take a break, then I have to go thru the log process again.
It would be a good idea if we had a community representative to address these questions to Nova, someone who could communicate with a chief of the tribe, in private, and report back to the community, even if it's just to find out what they are up to. Then, maybe we could make the modifications ligitimately, with their permission.

Well even with the old Ibrowse and startup.html files it screws up. I have the orginals and ever other day I have to reinstall the orginals because I get an error when try to login to novaworld or it won't even respond to the login prompt. I have to then take my backup copy of Ibrowse and start the game over again then it works. I think the is a bug in the dynamic link library that is sending it to the wrong ip addy.

Santa AkA SoDam
03-04-2009, 08:14 PM
Can anyone get on?

03-05-2009, 10:45 PM
Crazy Mess this is indeed. Either everyone having to login was overloading their servers or they were just checking to see if anyone was still playing.

03-08-2009, 04:10 PM
Has anyone else been getting the "Page cannot be displayed" error the last couple days when trying to login to NovaWorld? It was okay earlier today but right now I keep getting that error and can't get in

03-08-2009, 05:21 PM
Has anyone else been getting the "Page cannot be displayed" error the last couple days when trying to login to NovaWorld? It was okay earlier today but right now I keep getting that error and can't get in

Seems to be working fine with the original ibrowse.dll and startup.htm sharky.

03-08-2009, 05:50 PM
Yep, they are at it again.. I got in this morning with the start bypass, but not the login.. When I did the Login route it failed to connect to Nova..at all. The Bypass went right in..

03-13-2009, 09:05 PM
Update for you...
I have been working this and if you follow this you should not have issues
1. DELETE the 2003 Ibrowse.. and install the 2002
2. Install the original Startup or email me and Ill give you one that works.. The one I have is one AVENGER built and has the option to log in and bypass all in one..
Once you install these...
3. Go to your IE History and delete it and delete your SLL Cache in the CONTENT tab.. for some reason the errors are being logged in there..
4. The first time you go to fly... LOG IN... then use the bypass link option for all other attempts.
5. If you get a fail code or other error.. DELETE THE HISTORY and SSL and begin again..
I have used this exclusively for the last week, and all is well for me to get in. If you get dumped or punted for sitting on the farp all day...not flying... DELETE the history and begin again with the log in...
Let me know if you want the start file.. flycfs@hotmail.com

07-13-2009, 06:14 PM
I bought Comanche4 in Steam.

When I try to start the game I get an error message: "Unable to start Comanche 4 (error code 83)". How can I fix it?

The computer has Windows Vista 64bits.

07-13-2009, 10:27 PM
Sorry, never seen that code, but it seems that the folks who got the game from STEAM... are only having problems with it (now)?
When this thread ws started, the issues we had were due to Nova's connection/server move.
I dont think we have heard from anyone who has gotten a STEAM download of C4 to run? If you have, please let us know what you did to get past all the issues we're seeing here.

07-14-2009, 01:27 AM
I bought Comanche4 in Steam.

When I try to start the game I get an error message: "Unable to start Comanche 4 (error code 83)". How can I fix it?

The computer has Windows Vista 64bits.

I got an error 43 Unable to Run C4. All i did was uninstalled the game and reinstalled it and it work well. Aside from the no name issue that is. GOOOOOD luck! :thumb:

07-14-2009, 03:59 AM
I got an error 43 Unable to Run C4. All i did was uninstalled the game and reinstalled it and it work well. Aside from the no name issue that is. GOOOOOD luck! :thumb:

My first option was to uninstall and reinstall the game, but the problem continued to appear. Thanks anyway.