View Full Version : Updates...

10-09-2008, 01:22 PM
Well..ummm... yes, the site is being upgraded. I am on vacation, on dial-up, and happened to visit the site with IE7. I noticed the navbar wasn't loading and the portal was loading with errors...(firefox seemed to be just fine...) Anyway, I decided to upgrade anyway to fix the errors and this is what we have, until I can get things sorted. I was going through some archived versions of CPD and was thinking about resurrecting the old style colors from the 2001 days.. We'll see how it goes. I miss the good ol' days.. I really do. Anyway.. Thanks for your patience.

10-09-2008, 05:56 PM
Sorry to hear about dial-up there duder, it must have taken three days for your post to upload...

Change is always good even if it means reverting back to the good ol' days but making new good ol' days can be just as fun. Enjoy your time at the beach and see you when you get back to the real world of cable/dsl! :spin: