View Full Version : minimize?

12-21-2002, 01:12 PM
been having trouble with this for a while could someone tell me why when i'm playing the game it just just minimize's to the bottom of the screen . is there an option i'm in my computer i'm missing or is it just the game< on multiplayer >

12-21-2002, 04:59 PM
what game & when exactly does it do this? at start up?

12-21-2002, 05:49 PM
comanche 4 and in the middle of the game
while i'm playing in multiplayer

12-21-2002, 06:30 PM
sorry, i did not look to see what forum i was in... of course its c4. :lol:

i was thinking it might have been that stupid bink player but that would just give you trouble at start up.

if your not already using the fixed exe, try that & see if it makes a difference. it's in the c4 downloads area.

if not, maybe charger can help you figure it out.

12-21-2002, 09:02 PM
sorry, i did not look to see what forum i was in... of course its c4.:lol:

Your glasses…put them on once in a while...hehehe.

I had that problem a ways back. Can tell you its not one thing to fix it. Try getting the updates as Anthony said but my suggestion to you is, if the updates do not help the problem. Do a clean install of the game, and then do the updates then try it again on multiplayer.:cool:

[Edited on 12-22-2002 by Charger]

12-22-2002, 11:48 AM
i did a new install of the game seems to be working fine now ....thanks:D

12-22-2002, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by crazyzac
been having trouble with this for a while could someone tell me why when i'm playing the game it just just minimize's to the bottom of the screen . is there an option i'm in my computer i'm missing or is it just the game< on multiplayer > r/u hitting ALT and TAB @same time r/u ??? . this will also do what you have described :woo3: