View Full Version : Server Problem!

10-22-2007, 08:37 PM
Hello Gentlemen......8-/
I am endevouring to set up a C4ExPMod server, I have downloaded the ExP Pack v6.2 and the 40 terrains, (although not all are available in the c4medc6) but I have encountered a problem, if I run the server with the first (and as yet only) map I have made, I have to keep the .mis .bms & .til files in the C4 Folder, because if I get rid of the them, the map doesn't show up in the map list when hosting! If I do delete them, then the server crashes on the cycle. Its like a 'No Win' situation!
Does anyone know how to resolve this predicament?
if you need any extra info - just ask in this thread.

10-23-2007, 06:48 AM
Are you packing the BMS and TIL files in the PFF file? If you are and they are not showing up you need to check the length of the file name. A file name can only be a max of 8 characters I believe. If a file name is to long it will automaticly shorten it by taking off part of the extension.

For example:
would show in the PFF file as

By dropping part of the exstention the game will not recognize the file. I don't know if this is your problem but I can't think of any other reason a map wouldn't show in the list as long as it's been packed.

10-23-2007, 08:50 AM
Yeayyyyyyyyy God, RAB :znaika.gif: your a genius thats exactly what the problem was. I have now named the map EXP001. So if you see the FUN server with that name in the window give it a try (and let me know) :099.gif:

10-29-2007, 08:23 AM
Good to see some new energy being put into C4. It's been awhile since I saw anything. Phazer, send me a pm if you have the time.