View Full Version : bad a$$ driving

07-08-2007, 05:44 AM
I spent many years with Goodyear tire and now in ground transportation, I was even able to take a course at the Bob Bondurant school of high performance driving a couple years back at the Pontiac raceway in AZ.

But they did not teach me this stuff, this is Blue Angels kinda driving...

http://rgain.com/blue angels.wmv

07-08-2007, 08:20 PM
Thats absolutely nuts...wonder how many cars they wrecked before getting to this point. Just incredible!

07-08-2007, 11:36 PM
What is it ? A driving school ? Why would anyone need to drive like that except for anti terrorist with dignitaries or limo drivers carrying vips ? Seems like they would be practicing in limos though, if that was the case.

07-08-2007, 11:55 PM
What is it ? A driving school ? Why would anyone need to drive like that except for anti terrorist with dignitaries or limo drivers carrying vips ? Seems like they would be practicing in limos though, if that was the case.

You can be so anal papa.
in my case, yes. in this vid it was a show that i thought was just really really cool.

07-09-2007, 01:21 AM
Well the driving on two wheels and changing a tire would come in handy if your really in a hurry to get some where and had a flat tire. :rolleyes:

07-09-2007, 08:39 PM
damm boys thats nothing ........you should film me in a big rig.....honk honk....watch your rear view.

07-09-2007, 08:56 PM
Yeah Hutch I could see you getting your rig up on 9 wheels and some guy running down the side of the box with a tire iron... :tumble:

07-09-2007, 10:26 PM
damm boys thats nothing ........you should film me in a big rig.....honk honk....watch your rear view.

i certainly hope Gore doesn't see that. i thought you canucks was environmentally friendly. i'll bet another polar bear will drown because of that emission.

07-10-2007, 01:10 PM
Hey .. Take it Easy ! you 2

gettin one of those things off 4 wheels on the trailer is tricky enough ;;scarey too .dont know anyone with the balls to even try that Charger

.oh rustinski....good to here from you...gore he can keep his nose out of canada ...we have enough tree huggers. and i approve of global warming makes the winters up here shorter.

07-14-2007, 11:32 PM
What is it ? A driving school ? Why would anyone need to drive like that except for anti terrorist with dignitaries or limo drivers carrying vips ? Seems like they would be practicing in limos though, if that was the case.

why to teach driving like that incase a meth dealing car thief steals your car you'll be abel to keep up with the fn tweaker lmao.

hey all hey anthony :waving.gif: