View Full Version : Multiplayer choppers

02-25-2007, 09:20 AM
I am trying to create a map where my blackhawk takes off from a spot on the oil platform (*blue base), lands at another spot (*red base), and then returns (*blue base). The problem starts when it trys to land at the first stop (*red base). It will either fly thru the landing pad or hover just above it.
I've read the tuts but there must be a step i have missed or overlooked. :spamafote:

Attached is the .mis file. Maybe if someone has time they could look and see what I did wrong or possibly fix it?

02-25-2007, 01:45 PM
You need to delay the takeoff event at least 65 seconds to even see the blackhawk shut down. It will shut down, but I left your delay at 8 seconds.

I changed all actions to single AI, changed the landing event trigger to reaching a waypoint, and the takeoff event to an event triggered by another event...

It works.

02-25-2007, 11:49 PM
lmao... did he even check back ?

Anyway... just in case anyone else has this trouble... have your chopper quit following waypoint Z before having it land.

02-26-2007, 05:50 AM
lol yes he did!
Thx, I added more time like you suggested and this gives the player just enough time to get off, steal a flag and get back on...

But some strange things occur the second time around. The chopper doesnt seem to want to follow all the waypoints. I was curious, should the Reset Events be seprate from the other actions?

02-26-2007, 08:45 AM
I didn't really look at the resets... they seemed to work, but I didn't spend the time riding to test them out too.

I have to work, so it will be tonight before I can look at it. The drivers skill level at ace should have taken care of not following waypoints.

02-26-2007, 08:29 PM
Well, I've played with this and found myself stuck. No matter where I reset the event, the chopper heads to the second waypoint list.

One way for sure to fix this is to use a WAC file, but I don't think this is an option for multiplayer. I'll work on it sometime this week or weekend. If you figure it out, please post.

02-26-2007, 09:11 PM
Yeah, If I can figure out anything I'll be sure to post it here.
Also want to see if the same thing occurs with boats...

Going to look at some of the stock maps and see how they done theirs tonight....

03-01-2007, 06:49 AM
Yep, Nova used .WAC files for some of their choppers.

I looked at one of Old Fox's maps, Rigging Island (cool map btw) and here is how he done it.....

Event 0: chopper 1 start engine
Redirect group 3 to nearest waypoint in list 1
Change Group 3 AI : patrol speed = 20 km/h
Change Group 3 AI : combat speed = 20 km/h
Change Group 3 AI : AI state to Follow Waypoint
Change Group 3 AI : use waypoint Z

Event 1: chopper 1 enter chopper and take off
Delay event 10 seconds
Group 3 is within area 1 and
Group 1 is within area 1 or
Group 2 is within area 1
Redirect group 3 to waypoint 2 - 0
Change Group 3 AI : patrol speed = 40 km/h
Change Group 3 AI : combat speed = 40 km/h
Change Group 3 AI : AI state to Follow Waypoint
Change Group 3 AI : use waypoint Z
Reset Event 2

Event 2: chopper 1 redirect to lz
Group 3 reaches waypoint 2, 9
Redirect group 3 to waypoint 3 - 0
Change Group 3 AI : combat speed = 20 km/h
Change Group 3 AI : patrol speed = 20 km/h
Change Group 3 AI : AI state to Follow Waypoint
Change Group 0 AI : use waypoint Z
Reset Event 3

Event 3: chopper 1 landing at lz
Event 2 has been triggered and
Group 3 reaches waypoint 3, 0
Change Group 3 AI : patrol speed = 0 km/h
Change Group 3 AI : combat speed = 0 km/h
Change Group 3 AI : AI state to Land
Reset waypoints Group 3 has visited
Reset Event 4

Event 4: chopper 1 delay take off
Delay event 5 seconds
Event 3 has been triggered
Reset Event 1

This makes your coptor start in one spot, return to the same place and repeat.
The flight route is Waypoint 2 list and landing is wherever you put Waypoint 3-0. There is no Waypoint 1 list or marker.