View Full Version : MED medical helicopter help

Billy the plonk
02-04-2007, 10:51 AM
i need some help in setting up an event were if a soldier dies in the game then the medical helicopter comes nd then pulls him to safty etc

any help would be much apreciated (spelt wrong lol) nd a download example would be perfect :waving.gif:

02-04-2007, 12:41 PM
Here you go.

***Things to remember***

Use an unlocked editor... I use 2.05C

The chopper is furnished by the game. You do not have to put it in the game.

05-14-2008, 08:04 PM
It's in the events menu. Assuming you have the event set up like IF: SSN: #X is dead and THEN: Teamates/Evacuate teamate to teleport target/SSN: #X/Teleport Target #X.

The Teleport Target is where the Med-Evac Chopper will land.

Oh, and don't use the Med-Evac Chopper that's in the vehilcles list. It's built in the the game.

Hope this helps.

11-08-2010, 07:07 AM
So uhmm your saying that I dont have to put in the medivac chopper in the vehicle's list? ^^