View Full Version : TFD help pls

12-13-2002, 05:19 PM
i need a little help pls.
single player mission 2.

Distroy 3 sam sites, but how when you can only carry 2 rocket launchers or 2 of those sachel packs, grenades dont scratch em.

also can i use weapons found in enemy cabinets, if so how? or maybe its just my keyboard F8 is supposed to drop items but it doesnt seem to drop anything. yet 0 will drop primary weapon as in the manual.

sorry for my english.


12-13-2002, 09:04 PM
while in front of an arms cabinet press "C"
then click on "request weapons"

12-16-2002, 01:25 PM
Sams or Scuds. Sams have three white missles. Scuds are blocky looking green things. Slams work for scuds or for AT4's shoot two at the side of each scud that'll do it. F8 is for laptops, cases, or documents such as if you pick up a false one. Good Luck and have fun!!!

12-25-2002, 06:44 PM
ahhhh thanks :)
