View Full Version : Razorball help

11-10-2006, 04:00 PM
I have been looking for a forum to shedd some light on this but just can't seem to find out. I have an issue maybe this is where it should be posted here it goes.
When in a razorball server some people say that backing up just before you get to a person extends the arm reach of the player to get more kills. Is this true if it is i will stop doing it. I have been playing DFBHD since it was released and i just can't believe that it would make a difference. All that matters from my experience is the lagg issue. If someone has a ping time around 330 and up then you have to slice earlier rather than later because within the server your location is closer than it appears (thanks to lagg :brutal173.gif:. I have just came back from my 2nd deployment to OIF and havn't played in a while but when i came back it's suddenly a childish move.
1. is there any truth to this
2. if there is truth can you send me a link if its been posted
on novas website?
3. Thanks for any help on this guys.

11-10-2006, 04:48 PM
I've done the same thing myself when knifing. Although I don't believe it gives you any extra reach. I try and time it so that I take a step or two back as the other player is swinging. In that way you pull back out of his reach and his momentum carries him into yours. I've never heard that doing so would give a player an advantage on reach though.

11-25-2009, 03:51 PM
Just bought the game myself and am having the same issue. Saving and loading didnt work, nor did verifying the integrity of the cache. Since more than one of us have this issue I doubt re downloading the game is going to help me out. Ill look around some more.