View Full Version : New enviroments for c4

10-08-2006, 01:37 AM
With all the new items and terrains from the c4 expansion. I have created some new environments, 4 black Ops and 3 futuristic. 3 of the dark Black Ops have a moon in place of the sun. The Black Ops also feature Black helos.
I am starting a map pack to include dm and tdm map types, I need to know if any one would play koth if I make that map type.
Heres a link to view some screen shots.


Inso «Ð*§*§»
10-08-2006, 02:30 AM
Hey Reaper,

Im in for em!! Two thoughts to point out. I think we need better instructions on what is needed to both host and make the maps for these bad boys


In an effort to make the new patches support these game types I went looking for the maps to host and how to host em but found only the KOTH server pack in the map section, by you!! (ty btw) No other map types nor any instructions on how to host any of them. :help:

Since you seem to be looking at solving the problem of having more maps (KOTH'S atleast) what can be done to improve the instructions for us noob's :waving.gif: to actually be able to host them and create them, all of the types that is. What can I do to help?

Thanks for all your efforts!!!!!!!!!!! :yelclap.gif: you da man!


10-08-2006, 05:51 AM
OK Lets start with ctf:
not supported, as far as I know no one ever was able to get it to work.

s/d: Avenger had that working, how ever he never released the expansion so I havent even looked at it.

a/d: don't know

flagball; I would think the same issue with ctp flag would affect flag ball.

King games:
I had a web page up at one time with mapping tech and serving instructions.
Here is part of the problem. Recommended way to host the game is to use Banes game type utility. It only works for version 1.5.

Most servers were hosting version 2 at the time koth was released. I am pretty sure the get server manager had king option in it. But since all I play is version 1.5 I have not used it.

The truth is most players lost interest in king games, So while I still host it now and then I am not sure if players care if they can play it or not.
As for making maps set up is as follows:
check point Alpha is used as the marker for the zone. The koth marker still sets the zone area. How ever un like the other Nova games there is no colord area on the spin map. Players have the zone timer to show if they are in the zone or not. I can always dig up my old mapping page that had all the instructions on how to build both koth game types and post the info back on line again.

The down load at my site still contains hosting instructions from the config file. That page in here.

As for the map pack im starting;
First maps will be dm and tdm using the new enviros, a few maps on each 1. Once those are done then I will finish the pack using stock nova enviros using the new terrains and items. If no one wants koth then I wont worry about building those. Zac maps for coop so I know any one that wants to play that will have maps when Zac finishes his.

If you can fix the error crashes for version 2 and if there is a way to stop the weapons and gps cheats ie the command line exsplote to mark players that would be a big step. Hell mabe some players may even play again.

Inso «Ð*§*§»
10-08-2006, 07:01 AM
Hey reaper,

Im pretty sure I have everything that is needed to host KOTH and TKOTH games in v20 as after I looked and could not it find I made my own. So we can cross that brige in a few fixes lol, I will release a utility for hosting KOTH and TKOTH for v20 shortly lets take out the trash first!!!!. I have not made maps for them so information on that was great, thank you.

As for our other issues. I did ask what I could do to help and you certianly did answer lol. I am going to post my progress in the other forum in a new thread.

Thanks again,


10-08-2006, 07:03 AM
Good Work Reaper :waving.gif: