View Full Version : Putting soldiers and armor on ships

09-28-2006, 02:46 PM
Part 1
Is it possable to do this. I have 3 cargo ships. One ship has 2 enemy choppers on it. the other 2 ships " 1) has 3 tanks and 3) sam's." the other one has enemy soldiers on it. well the tanks drop threw and the enemy soldiers drown.
I set the Z value 50+ and it still doesn't work

Part 2
The 2 choppers take off after 2 destroyers get blow up from 2 F-16's. the choppers land behine the base and teleport the enemor and soldiers behind.
An area trigger sets the base on red alert. and wp points bring the enemy armor and soldiers to the base.

I don't seem to have a problem with getting the choppers to stay on the ship.

My only concern is part 1.

any ideas on part 1


09-28-2006, 08:59 PM
The tanks may be spawning into the game first and have no hard surface to spawn on, if the ship spawns after the tanks do. If thats not the case set a chain link fence turned on its side under the tank to catch it. Or teleport the tank on to it.

09-28-2006, 10:02 PM
Ok, so if I put a teleprt marker on the cargo ship. I can just teleport the tanks on the ship. Ok, I'll give it a try

09-28-2006, 10:36 PM
Reaper, it didn't work, I tryed to teleport them on land to. and that didn't work. I guess you can't teleport enemy tanks and sams.

Thanks for trying

09-29-2006, 03:17 AM
Part 1
Is it possable to do this. I have 3 cargo ships. One ship has 2 enemy choppers on it. the other 2 ships " 1) has 3 tanks and 3) sam's." the other one has enemy soldiers on it. well the tanks drop threw and the enemy soldiers drown.
I set the Z value 50+ and it still doesn't work

Part 2
The 2 choppers take off after 2 destroyers get blow up from 2 F-16's. the choppers land behine the base and teleport the enemor and soldiers behind.
An area trigger sets the base on red alert. and wp points bring the enemy armor and soldiers to the base.

I don't seem to have a problem with getting the choppers to stay on the ship.

My only concern is part 1.

any ideas on part 1


When spawning AI on a ship there are a couple of factors to consider. One is that you can't have the AI to high or to low in z value on the absolute deck of the ship. The best ship to use for this purpose is the LHA because it has a flat deck in the back. You can even spawn a player on the deck of the LHA.

If you set the z-value to high the item will crash to the deck. To low and the item will fall, which is your case.

When placing a ship on water you have to remember that any item you set to z-value should be from the bottom of the water to a few clicks above the deck of the ship, so that the item will actually fall a very short distance to the deck when spawned.

I suggest that you don't teleport the AI to the deck if this is what your doing - rather set the AI markers a few clicks above the deck as I said - try a value of 22/24 to start then check it to see if the AI fall though or not. You could do this all in 3D wireframe except that the ship doesn't show up on the sea level but rather on the sea floor. Technically thats where it spawn on the floor and then the engine places it at the right level on the water, probably another reason why your AI are drowning.

I will look up the exact levels for you as soon as I can.

09-29-2006, 03:46 PM
Ok, I fount out how to put soldiers on Cargo ships. Set the z valua to 25,0
It works for me

09-29-2006, 05:45 PM
Just to let you know. I got it to work. what I did was I change from the Armed Cargo ship to the Unarmed Cargo ship. Works like a charm.

Set the z value for the ship at 10, 0 and the tank or sam that you want to put on it at 20, 0

I tested 20+ times. works every time


09-30-2006, 01:12 AM
Good deal. I got you r e-mail - sorry about the dropped letters, I'm well known for that (LOL) Anyway the only thing missing is the terrain, guess it didn't show up in the send so if you tell me what one your using I'll load it in. I briefly went through your events list - where you have the "combat" speed indicated you should also add the line below it for "patrol" speed and set them the same speed. What this does is if the chopper gets fired at it won't speed up or slow down. What happens is the shopper will speed up or slow down, sometimes go around in a circle till it gets back on the waypoint track again then go on its marry way.

So it would be the exact same line but one will say "Combat" speed and the other will say "Patrol" speed. Or you can set the variable speeds for either action to fit your scenario.

09-30-2006, 07:52 AM
I idea on that was to try and get them to the LZ quicker. When I rased the speed up is when they were doing nothing but flying in circles. when I lowered the speed they followed there way point as they should have. I will check the speeds out and see whats going on. I should have used nothing but patrol speed.

thanks for your help

09-30-2006, 09:08 AM
Ok, the terrian name is Zoo. if you don't have it. The only thing I installed was Zak, exp. Thats the only thing I installed on it next to his update.