View Full Version : Some questions on C4
09-27-2006, 06:53 PM
Zak, you sent me a sample of using (create particle effects). and can some one tell me what I can use them on and what vehicles I can use them on and what they will do, or a list would be great.
when adding items to my maps under building theres a file called "mhelp01"
does any one know what this file is
is there a way to edit (change) the win or lose condestions in C4
09-27-2006, 09:33 PM
Zak, you sent me a sample of using (create particle effects). and can some one tell me what I can use them on and what vehicles I can use them on and what they will do, or a list would be great.
Those effects only work for single player, Open the med and place a target marker, then look at the particle effects for it. That will show you a list.
when adding items to my maps under building theres a file called "mhelp01"
does any one know what this file is
never paid attention to it.
is there a way to edit (change) the win or lose condestions in C4
Change the win, lose conditions for what game type ? If your building coop or single player missions win lose conditions are set as an event. If you want to create your own custom condition ie (player has secured the base!) you will need to create a bin file with the new goal in it. I havent tested this by the way, I use it for another Nova Game.
09-27-2006, 09:33 PM
Zak, you sent me a sample of using (create particle effects). and can some one tell me what I can use them on and what vehicles I can use them on and what they will do, or a list would be great.
Those effects only work for single player, Open the med and place a target marker, then look at the particle effects for it. That will show you a list.
when adding items to my maps under building theres a file called "mhelp01"
does any one know what this file is
never paid attention to it.
is there a way to edit (change) the win or lose condestions in C4
Change the win, lose conditions for what game type ? If your building coop or single player missions win lose conditions are set as an event. If you want to create your own custom condition ie (player has secured the base!) you will need to create a bin file with the new goal in it. I havent tested this by the way, I use it for another Nova Game.
09-27-2006, 09:55 PM
I know that it's possable in DF2. it should be in C4. I know I have to use the bineditor. I just need to fins out what file to edit. both games are so much a like. In basic setup
09-27-2006, 11:04 PM
You need the bin to text and text to bin tools. All mission bin files are named
Open a stock mission file to see the format then add your custom lines in place of the stock ones.
09-27-2006, 11:12 PM
Ok, I just need to file name. whats the file name for the bin file that has the win and lose condestions in it. So I can extract it, edit it. then add to it and then save it and put it back in the *.pff file. I know thats theres to *.pff files.
I just don't know witch one or the file name.
09-27-2006, 11:23 PM
OK your going to need the bms to mis converter.
Your not looking for 1 file. Each mission has it's own .bin file. as do dm and tdm maps.
Look in the pff files and find the bms files. exstract some and convert them to .mis files. Your looking for either a coop mission or single player mission. Once you find either 1 then go back into the pff and find that file name .bin
convert it to text with the bin to text tool. Open the converted file in note pad. make your changes then save the file as yourmissionname text file.
Take that text file and convert it to a .bin file with the text to bin tool.
Remember bin files are server side so any coop maps you host will need the players to instal the bin file on thier machine.
09-27-2006, 11:36 PM
Ok, you lost me, any way I know that in DF2 the file name is df2wpn.bin. I extract the file. I can use my bin editor to make the changes. save it. and put it back in the *.pff file. I'm just going to have to look for it. I knoe it's in a *.bin file. I'll have to try and find it
09-27-2006, 11:43 PM
Ok I exstracted a coop .bin file
I was wrong the bin file name shows it is a coop mission. So go into the pff files filter by bin and find a coop or single player mission .bin file.
here are the goals in that bin file:
STRWINCOND000 = "null";
STRWINCOND001 = "Destroy all pirate forces";
STRWINMSG001 = "Objective Complete!
All pirate forces destroyed";
STRLOSECOND000 = "null";
STRLOSECOND001 = "The VIP yacht is destroyed";
STRLOSEMSG001 = "Mission Failed!
The VIP yacht has been destroyed";
If you change the goals the new ones you create will load in the med as long as you name the bin file the same as you .mis file name for the map you are working on..
You are not looking for 1 bin file to do every thing. Each mission or map has it's own bin file.
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