View Full Version : Question about the "C4 Get Player Manager"

Inso «Ð*§*§»
09-22-2006, 07:42 PM
Hi I have a question about the manager, I am curious to know why and what purpose was behind the replacment of the 3 game dll files during the installation of this manager. I am wondering what it is that this does that required those files to be changed?

No war please Im not out to stir the pot, I just like to know whats going on in my machine. :help:



09-22-2006, 09:20 PM
=Avenger= doesn't really visit that much anymore. You might try PM'ing him so that he will get an email telling him about the question. I personally wouldn't blame him if never visited this community again.

I'm sure he would be glad to fill you in about the changes Inso.

Inso «Ð*§*§»
09-22-2006, 09:42 PM
Thanks Blue.

If you get a minute send me an ICQ. :waving.gif: