View Full Version : Moving vehicles in a convoy

09-15-2006, 06:35 PM
I have 5 vehicles 2 advengers. 2 trucks and a fuel truck.
Can I get them not to buch up, the last 3 vehicles. the fuel truck and the other 2 trucks keep craming in to each other. I couldn't find any thing about in the the manuals I have.

and yes they follow the same waypoint

when the first vehicle get to the last way point I want all to stop.


09-15-2006, 10:03 PM
You need to set the vehicle speed the same for each vehicle, then set a diff way point for each 1 to stop on. Or use another event to stop all of them at the same time as a group.

If you are using 1 way point as the stop area for all the vehicles. Each 1 will try to get to it and hit the one in front of it. You can also set the speed to 0 instead of using the last way point to stop.

09-15-2006, 10:22 PM
Cool, Thanks