View Full Version : C4 Expansion MOD ( C4ExP )
Picture Update :alcoholic.gif: here the first Picture from the Offshore Platform.
08-11-2006, 03:27 PM
Looks good.. Good Job ZAK.
Looks good.. Good Job ZAK.
Oh, thankyou. I have a little Problem, I can not Load a Terrain, the MED make a crash, open I a mis file no problem or change I a Terrain no problem the only heavy Problem in the Med is, open I the mis with the Offshore Platform is the map in the editor black.
Can you me help BTR?
08-12-2006, 07:17 AM
If you can send me all of the files (including the .mis), I will take a look ZAK. I have to work today, until around 7:00PM EST - but I will look at it tonight.
Thankyou for the help. You Tutorial have me help the Tent and the Scud from C4 in the DF1 Mod to make.
The DF1 Mod is Today Updated.
08-12-2006, 09:17 PM
Check your mail. The error was in the mission file.
Thankyou BTR.
I can not open the mis file with a text editor. I have always still the same Problemm.
I make a Item in the map/save/ reopen the Misfile/ is all Black and the Items are away.
I check all 3di off erreors and I make the original def and bin in the pff file.
become then see themselves whether the error against-gotten
Finished, uuuua what for a Work, I have all Problems deleted, no more a Crash bei Load a Terain or a Black screen by Reopen a mis file.
Stability Test was Successfully.
Here is the Iranian Oiltanker.
08-13-2006, 08:50 AM
The items work. The items.def and the meditems.bin are fine. The mission (.mis) saves and exports fine on my computer. How are you packing your files ? The MED and the Game must be closed when packing the files. Which version of the MED are you using ? Do you have two different versions of the meditems.bin (one in the med.pff and one in c4odata.pff - or one in your Comanche 4 folder )?
Why can't you open the .mis file with a text editor ?
Edit: Oh, ok... I see you resolved the problems.. NM.
Hi, was a Unknow error in the meditems or the item.def, have now not more Problems.
I have this day all new maked inklusiv def and bin :regan:
What say you to the Tanker? make you a Update in you Mog Mod and BHD Vehicle Mod If I have all finished?
I work to time on new C4 Coop Map, based of this Offshore Mod.
08-13-2006, 09:38 AM
Make an "Off-Shore" or "Team Sabre" MOD. I believe that was was from Team Sabre.
Perhaps one day we can make one very large MOD.
This Mod is a Update for the Mogadishu and the BHD Vehicle Mod.
Hmm I make folow vehicles to C4
ETek3 Technical enemy vehicle#3 / MH53 Pavelow 7 PTRLB Iranian Patrol Boat
RHIB Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (collision bow)
now folow the2 last Vehicles Ship01 Large Cargo Ship with interior in shore Patrol
and the SDC3 Drug Smuggler´s Plane
And I wants the 2 Vehicle from the Deep jungle Mod to C4 Convert the hemtt and the mmex, help me to Contact to the Autor from this 2 Vehicles Pleas.
Here is the Picture with the last Building and Vehicle for C4
The Pavelow is Finished, I make first stop with the Mod.
Hello all :waving.gif: the Mod have now Beta 2 and have with a Little Group of Terrains a Big from 83,5MB (not ziped)
All Test was Successfully.
News, I want the Mod Saturday with BTRs help :waving.gif: Upload to CPD, I made in the next Days the Last Terrains in the Map, and evntuel more Vehicles, I have this Day the BHD Pickup etek3 made in the Mod.
Thankyou on all Member the help by this Great Mod for C4 :waving.gif:
Mogadishu,BHD C4 Vehicle, BTRs C4 Mod-#1 and BTRs C4 Mod-#2. Made by Bluetiereign
C4 Player environment pack (Night sight simulation for C4) Made by Reaper
BHD/TS,DF2 Terrains, M-3Bradley Dessert, C-130 Dessert, M1A2 Dessert Mod, Enemy Soldier DDS Mod,
and the TS Offshore Mod. made by =ZAK=
Thanks on BTR for the C4 3DI Conversion Tutorial, made by Bluetiereign.
Reaper –NCS-
Folow Vehicles could because of problems not Are added.
Black Hawk
Iranian Patrolboat
SDC3 Drug Smugglers Plane
Enemy Cargo Ship
Eteck3 (Pick up)
TS Pipline and Towers added.
C4ExP have Revision Number 1.2 Reached,
In 1.2 is the Complete Oil Pipline from Teamsabre added.
A COOP Updated Version from the Map Scud alley is in Mod contained.
I wait only still up the Connection of Bluetiereigen :waving.gif:
08-19-2006, 08:27 AM
I wait only still up the Connection of Bluetiereigen :waving.gif:
I thought I sent you the instructions for FTP already.. I sent them again.
Jo, Thanks.
New Terrain added
Haa, BTR Mod is Upload on you Server 109MB ZIP File :singing:
08-19-2006, 07:08 PM
OK.. got it. Let me test and prep it for download. I am rewriting the English instructions...:wink1:
Hello on all C4 Fans:icon_super.gif: I work to time on the First Terrain Pack with new terrains for the C4ExP. too the Already contained Terrains coming with this Terrain Update new Terrains, I Beginning with this DF1 Terrains.
become in run the week the First Picture here Publish :LolLolLolLol:
Have fun with the C4ExP :joystick.gif:*&mh=15
Here can you seen the Pictures from the C4ExP Terrain Pack.
08-20-2006, 06:31 PM
The C4 ExP MOD is completed. Zak has worked very hard to get out all of the 'bugs'. We will hopefully will be finished with it later tonight. I will do some final testing tonight - and upload it to the server for download.
Please be patient. When you get it - we want it to work correctly.
Some Features:
Plenty of new objects
Better vehicles for the BHD Vehicle MOD
Loads of new terrains
Loads of new enviroments
Alternative Startup.htm
Alternative MED
A mission - by =ZAK=
08-20-2006, 10:27 PM
The Expansion MOD is now available. You can download it --> here (*&mh=15)<--.
The Terrain Pack - Tomorrow if time permits.
Hello all, one New Terrain pack is on the Way to CPD, c4ExP Terrain pack2, with DF2 Terrains.
And 2 Missions. Map 1 Have the Name The new Alliance
Map 2 is one Unpublished Map with the Name The Syria Alliance. 0%26hl%3Dde%26lr%3Dlang_de%26sa%3DN
Hello all, I have this Day Convert the APC from BHD for the c4ExP Mod.
This File is on the Way to the CPD Mod master:waving.gif:
I have the Mod with the New Vehicle Tested, is all OK. I have not a Bug Found.
Installed Only Mods from me:alcoholic.gif: for the c4ExP mod, Installed not Unknows Mod or Items:brutal173.gif: for the c4ExP mod.
09-10-2006, 03:40 PM
I would have done this sooner, but came down with a virus that is very much like the flu - without the stomach symptoms. 102° fever, sore joints and sinus headache/pressure that felt like it was shipped directly from hades. Hope no one else gets this one. Anyway....
I have uploaded the new version of the c4ExP mod. The new version is Version 6.0.
Thanks BTR, here a Little Movie of the Mod
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