View Full Version : Problem with maps

08-15-2006, 07:38 AM
Ihave problem with Missions :Invasion, Kendari Airport,eagle earie.I can not run this missions.Error:polyartrn map not specified.Please help me. i have polish version of Comanche 4.

08-15-2006, 10:49 AM

Hello Waldi 72 For this Maps Require you a Terrain the Terrain for the Kendari Airport is a separate Download.
In the Eagle eyrie is a Folder with Terrain Included, you can Install the Terrain Files of 2 way
With FwORavens pff utility
Easy goes with the Packit

Look on my Page under Comanche 4/ Tools and under Mods.
I work to time on a C4 Mod with new Buldings and Terrains, this Mod have a Install Routine, and is Easy to Install.

PS: Welcome in the C4 Community

08-17-2006, 10:08 AM

Hello Waldi 72 For this Maps Require you a Terrain the Terrain for the Kendari Airport is a separate Download.
In the Eagle eyrie is a Folder with Terrain Included, you can Install the Terrain Files of 2 way
With FwORavens pff utility
Easy goes with the Packit

Look on my Page under Comanche 4/ Tools and under Mods.
I work to time on a C4 Mod with new Buldings and Terrains, this Mod have a Install Routine, and is Easy to Install.

PS: Welcome in the C4 Community

I used the kendari airport include install and all I got was black grass. What is "packit" and how can I get one? Maybe I can get that to work. Don't get me wrong, I like your maps, it's just that I am "challenged" when it comes to the installation of maps, mods and such.

08-17-2006, 12:41 PM
You find Packit under C4Tools, This Saturday is the Mod Finished, in this Mod is the Mogadishu and the BHD Vehicle Mod + Blues Mod 1 and 2.
The Terrain for the Kendari Airport is in this Mod Included with a Little numbers of DF2,1 and BHD Terrains, I have make the Offshore Platform new Aircontroltower, the TS Iranian Oiltanker, the MH53 Pavelow and and and.
One Download, one click, and all Mods is Installed no more 1 2 3 or 6 Download with 6 x Installation.

BTR must me make a FTP Connection for Upload the Mod on CPD
