View Full Version : Colored people

A Recon Soldier
08-13-2006, 04:56 PM
A Mexican walks into a resteraunt and sits down at a table,
a waiter comes up to the Mexican and says, "We don't serve colored people."

The Mexican replies, "Colored? Let me get something straight, when I'm sick I'm brown,
when I'm cold I'm brown,
when I'm hot I'm brown,
and when I die I'll be brown.

But you my dear friend, you....
when you are sick you're green
when you are cold you're blue
when you are hot you turn red
and when you die you turn purple...
and you have the nerve to call me colored?"

Yes I do come from Mexican heritage,
My grandmother was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. She came to the U.S. LEGALLY when she was six with her family. She was the valedictorian when she graduated. She could have gone to some of the top universities, but remained with her family attending University of Texas at El Paso. She majored in American History (ironically). She taught 35 years