View Full Version : Awesome Maps

07-14-2006, 10:19 PM
I just recently started playing C4 again and am amazed at the quality of the maps that I have played. CPD definitely has one of the best C4 download sections available to the public. Chargers "Scramble" , "Mad House" , "Mission Z" are all awesome , tip of the hat to ya Charger , truly good stuff . Bluetiereign's "Taz" is incredible, such a realistic atmosphere there Blue, "Taz" is action packed from the start , to the end. I'm planning on making some more sp/coop maps myself , I only hope I can make them as interesting as the maps i've played in the last couple of days. Anyway I just wanted to say Thanks to all you fellow map makers out there , that go through the headaches and agitations that come with map making , just to give the public more enjoyment to a game that could have burned out so many years ago. You are TRULY COOL. :waving.gif:

07-14-2006, 11:32 PM
:spin: . Thanks buddy.

07-15-2006, 03:02 AM
Funny you should mention this because I can related to it whole heartedly. I hadn't played C4 in such a long time and a while back Mac had asked me some questions about the editor and I fired the game back up to check some things out - I had just bought a new graphics card and was totally blown away by how great this game really looked. It was like playing a brand spanking new game. I did just like you and downloaded most everything I could find and I totally agree with you that "Taz" is a pretty amazing piece of work.

Thanks for the vote Door, I've enjoyed making maps as much as playing others - hope to get to play some more of your great work as well duder.

07-21-2006, 11:34 AM
Hello, I think that everyone Maps manufacturers its best gives. And other inspires when map building.
With me the map manufacturing began with DF2.