View Full Version : Teleporting on MP maps

06-28-2006, 11:31 AM
Hello all.

Have a bit of a problem with teleporting on a multiplayer map. Well ... i don't until it goes on my squad's server. On my own hosted server the teleport works fine. I walk in one building, and I come out of another.

The only problem is once it is uploaded to the internet and is played after going on to Nova and entering my squad's server. The teleport does not work.

The event is IF SSN 10000 (or player) is within area 1 THEN teleport SSN 10000 to target 2. They are set to restart after 5 seconds.

Any help would be appreciated :saint2: Thanks!!

06-28-2006, 07:12 PM
To start, what game is this ?

Secondly, I'm not sure, but I think the SSN 10000 (player) is made void by multiplayer - since all players become autonomous and therefore (in theory) become SSN 10000.

Sorry, but like I said in the first part, until I can find out which game and get someone to test with me, I can't even try a couple of ideas.

06-28-2006, 07:15 PM
teleport is a single player event, it only works on the server. it works on milti player maps but only for the server who playes from the same machine. The 10000 ssn number would also be the # for a play and serve player.

06-28-2006, 07:25 PM
Ok it was for BHD. That thought crossed my mind. It's okay, its only a couple of klicks long anyway, they can either run it or I'll set up a nice humvee shuttle run for them :P thank's for the response guys