View Full Version : What is Nova currently doing?

06-27-2006, 06:08 AM
It's been some time now since i've strayed into they depths of NovaWorld, in fact it was just after the launch of Delta Force: Extreme that i last check in, although before i was always a hardcore Delta force player. Since those days i've moved on to online gaming journalism and when i was sat that thinking up some new feature article i could do this month, Novalogic came to mind, so i set out on some catch-up researching, but ran into dead ends, Nova news hasn't, as far as i could see, seen an up date since 2005 and some regular sources like 'NovaHQ' are dead.
So i came here, in hope that i might be able to tap into a new source. and of course i come bering questions.

1. Does Nova have anything on the books for future PC Online gaming?
2. Does the Delta force series have a future in Nova's plans
3. Do Nova have any plans?
4. Where can you find the most up-to-date Nova News?

Thats just the basics for now, hoping i could get some answers there that could lead me on, i'm hoping to give Nova some good praises on there previous works within PC gaming and it would be good to have something to end the article with where nova are going.


06-27-2006, 08:05 PM
Its odd you should visit and post this request today. I was on the 'prowl' at NovaHQ and other places last night - searching for the very same thing. From what I gathered, the last anyone heard was that Nova was working on a game that used the UnrealŪ Engine. However, that was some time ago and there hasn't been anything to prove it actually was being produced. Also saw yesterday that a game called Devastation was supposed to be available that matched the description - in 2003 - but that is nowhere to be found.

Other hints are their 'job oppurtunities' - but these have also been up for ages.
* Advising game developers on current Chinese or Taiwan military weapons, equipment, strategy and tactic
* Reviewing game materials to ensure realistic depiction of Chinese or Taiwan military capabilities and limitations.

The only 'news' with Nova these days seems to be with the MOD community. Mod Depot (http://mods.terranova-exp.com/forums/index.php?s=) (a branch of the Terranova/DFArena (http://www.dfarena.com/) community) sees a huge amount of traffic concerning DF MODS. As a DF Resource, DFBarracks (http://www.dfbarracks.com/) is still the big fish in this little pond. NovaHQ (http://www.novahq.net/) is still alive and well - and also a huge DF Resource. Since Marcus left Nova - Jolt is no longer a good resource for up-to-date news - so I won't even post a link.

A common complaint with NovalogicŪ is their lack of communication with their fanbase. But, in their defence, I can't say I blame them. Usually, they don't get anything but grief when attempting to open lines of communication with us.

Good luck in your venture. Even the NovalogicŪ forums are devoid of any news concerning new releases. EA and UbiSoft (among others) are some formidable competition. Offering a game that will rival the gameplay, graphics and fun offered by some of these companies is a tall order. I hope they can do it.

06-28-2006, 01:40 AM
Good question,
A post from a mod on Nova world says there working on something but wont say what or when there will be any news.

Someone also told me thier source says Nova is back where they make more money and thats doing work for the military. I tend to believe that. And think when they finish they will put time back in to games.

06-28-2006, 03:59 AM
I did some further digging but as you can imagine, i didn't get every far. The only news seems to come from leaks within nova about being understaffed and incapable of supporting anti-cheat systems. Nova does have a rep for being able to cheat but any BHD player could tell you that, Cheats within the delta force series is not new news. Other than things like this, Nova seem to be absent from any hopefull releases this year or, just as you said, lines of communication between themselves and their fanbase. Non the less, i will not stop here, i would like Novalogic to make my feature next month.

06-28-2006, 01:39 PM
Also, I don't believe they were represented at E3 this year...

06-28-2006, 05:14 PM
I'm not surprised that there was no representation for Nova at E3 , it would have been like a bull in a china shop with games such as "Crysis" , "Gears of War" and Rainbow Six's"Vegas" and many others.We have seen what the Crytek editor can do in "Far Cry" so you can imagine the graphics in thier future games will be like. The new microsoft"Direct X10 "Windows Vista" operating system should be interesting.To me Crytek's enviromental detail is untouchable so far.
I think Nova would have been pretty embarrassed at E3 , what would they show off ?, what the super "Nile" editor has created? Please , spare me..:alcoholic.gif: