View Full Version : Settings ?

06-20-2006, 11:13 PM
Hello all,

I am new to C4, but am enjoying the SP offline mode very much. Before I come out to a server for MP games, I wanted to practice up a little. I dont want to be just a target for all of you.:spin:

Have read as many post about C4 game settings, here and elsewhere, that I could find.

I am trying to get cam2pan with freeview (F4 button), with my webcam to have a more realistic feel while playing C4.

My problem is re-centering the view. I have already tried to use a switch from cockpit to flyby view and return to cockpit view. But that doesnt restore a re-centered forward view, the previous view is still there. I also tried to turn off the freelook view (F4) but instead of turning my view back to foward, it turns my chopper in the direction in which I am looking.

This doesnt work so well when in combat or flying low and fast.

Is there a re-center button or any other method of re-centering my view without turning my comanche toward my current view.

Thanks so much.
Stryker7 out.

06-21-2006, 12:20 AM
Use the number pad on the right side of the keyboard. To reset your view --> hit the number 5.


ReapeR 4
06-21-2006, 11:20 AM
Hello Stryker ,
Look me up in the CFS server and I can show you the ropes and give you some help in getting your game setup correctly . Hope to see you in the skys .....

ReapeR 4 *CFS*