View Full Version : Question

03-01-2006, 04:29 PM
I know I'm over looking something, having a small problem that I can't seem to pin point. If anyone can direct me in the right direction I would appreciate the help immensely.

Heres the deal.

Any site in my favorties I click on will open and display correctly except for one site thats a clan site I'm in. Most of the time the page won't open, (It opens to page can not be displayed) example; for a whole day it woudn't display but then dueing the night it would open, then the next day it would for a while then not at night.

Other people in the squad can open the page and see it just fine, even at the same time I try to open the site at the same time.

I've checked settings and what not.

It is a php site.

I was able to display the site in the past and can't say I've made any changes to my settings to cause it to not display now or cause it to dosplay irregularly.

My IE is up to date.

03-01-2006, 08:42 PM
Try firefox.

03-02-2006, 02:09 AM
Oh your a great help:wink1:

Well I'm not sure whats going on but tonight I can get on the site. I think I might just install firefox on here as well and see how that goes. I have used it in the past and didn't seem to have any problem with it.

Good idea though and thanks for the reply BT.:cool:

03-02-2006, 07:40 AM
Well, the only other thing I could think of was a bad cookie.

03-02-2006, 04:20 PM
I tried the cookie thing at the time. Another thing I thought about is they have no clue what they are doing with phpBB because I noticed last night that they now have two main pages. Well it's like this...the first page, which is the main page I've always have gotten onto opens (Seem to work now, so maybe your pm is right) and after you log in it takes you to another page, two pages of the same thing only different themes.